See the results of this poll: Favorite -et, -ett, -ette, -otte names?
Respondents: 65 (This poll is closed)
- Juliet: 12 (18%)
- Violet: 19 (29%)
- Charlotte: 16 (25%)
- Margaret: 8 (12%)
- Scarlett: 6 (9%)
- Ayelet: 4 (6%)
Respondents: 65 (This poll is closed)
My votes went to [name]Juliet[/name] and [name]Ayelet[/name], which are both gorgeous. I love the always romantic feel that [name]Juliet[/name] has, and [name]Ayelet[/name] is very uncommon and refreshing.
I also quite like [name]Scarlet[/name], [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Charlotte[/name].
[name]Just[/name] to add a few more to the list (though I’m not fond of these myself):
I chose [name]Margaret[/name] and [name]Ayelet[/name] [name]Margaret[/name] has so many lovely nicknames and [name]Ayelet[/name] is so intriguing!
Other ones I like are Miette, [name]Sonnet[/name] and although they don’t really count since they end in -etta I also love [name]Marietta[/name], [name]Rosetta[/name] and [name]Loretta[/name]
I chose [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Charlotte[/name]
[name]Violet[/name], to me, is almost completely perfect. It’s vintage but fresh, spunky and sweet, and I can see it aging well. Plus the nickname [name]Vi[/name] or [name]Vivi[/name] is so appealing.
[name]Charlotte[/name] I like mostly for the [name]Charlie[/name] nickname, to be honest. But I’m more neutral on [name]Charlotte[/name] than I am on [name]Violet[/name]
I love the name [name]Collette[/name].
[name]Lisette[/name] is my favorite ette name but I chose [name]Juliet[/name] and [name]Violet[/name]. [name]Both[/name] are beautiful names. I dont see the appeal in [name]Charlotte[/name], but that is just me, most people love it. [name]Margaret[/name] is another name I’m only luke warm towards.
I voted for [name]Margaret[/name] and [name]Charlotte[/name]. [name]Margaret[/name] is my mother’s name and I’d like to use it as a middle name someday to honor her. And I’ve just always thought [name]Charlotte[/name] looks and sounds pretty. (Not a fan of the [name]Charlie[/name] nickname, though. [name]Charlie[/name] is all boy to me. [name]Love[/name] [name]Lottie[/name] instead.)
[name]Charlotte[/name], because it feels classic and strong, yet still feminine and fun. It has a whimsical, soft sound complimented by a harder beginning sound. It seems both playful and serious to me, which I think is the perfect balance.