Etta and Hattie together?

What does everyone think of [name]Etta[/name] and [name]Hattie[/name] as sisters? Is it usable or no? I love both of them, but worried that people might think it’s odd to use two names that can be nicknames for the same name. I know a lot of people don’t like using “just” [name]Etta[/name] or [name]Hattie[/name] as given names, but I love them and don’t like any of the full names for them. Thoughts?

I personally think they are too similar to use together, as they share so many of the same sounds.

A little too similar I think. I also think [name]Hattie[/name] isn’t as lovely as a stand-alone grown woman name, whereas I see [name]Etta[/name] as having long-term elegance and appeal, while still being cute on a little girl.

I think the names are too close to be siblings. The double T’s and the fact they can both be a nickname of [name]Harriet[/name] is what makes them too close for me. Though both are lovely names.

They are similar, but really only share one phoneme (sound) in common. That would be the “flap” /t/ in the middle that is most often pronounced as a quick /d/. Other ways they are similar (which will probably be obvious to you:) they are both 2 syllables, they both have vowel sounds surrounding the middle consonant sound. Other than the /t/, there are no other phonemes in common. [name]Etta[/name] has the /eh/ and /uh/, [name]Hattie[/name] as the /a/ as in ‘cat’ and /ee/.

From a purely phonemic point of view, they only have one sound in common. In print, they appear a little more similar because of the middle “tt” as well as both containing letters ‘e’ and ‘a.’ For me personally, I don’t think they are too similar to use as sibling names at all. I think they sound very nice together and flow well.

As far as using them as stand-alones, I really don’t see a problem with that either. Nicknames as full names are coming back big time. [name]Evie[/name] and [name]Millie[/name] are big in the UK right now, and I see it happening in the US. (I don’t know where you’re at. Obviously my perspective is American.) But frankly, how is using [name]Etta[/name] or [name]Hattie[/name] by themselves any different from using [name]Molly[/name]? I think it’s just fine, and I see it as a trend that is picking up steam.

Too similar, mainly bc I see them as NN for Hernrietta and [name]Harriet[/name], which is a derivitave of essentially the same name. What about [name]Nell[/name], [name]Essie[/name], [name]Elsie[/name], [name]Halle[/name]?

i would use them together. but then again of the few berries that like matchy names

While I don’t mind them as full names, I think they’re too similar. If they were just nicknames that might be used sometimes but not all the time it wouldn’t bother me so much because they’d have longer not so matchy names. But as is, yeah, I think it’s too close.

I think these names are too similar- not just in sound but in meaning. [name]Both[/name] are nicknames for [name]Harriet[/name]/[name]Henrietta[/name], which are both feminizations of [name]Henry[/name]. Too close. Sorry!

I had this problem, but with [name]Mary[/name] and [name]Greta[/name]. [name]Etta[/name] and [name]Hattie[/name] just don’t work together, in my opinion.

I actually think they sound really nice together. I would never have realized that they were both nicknames for [name]Henrietta[/name], probably because [name]Hattie[/name] doesn’t seem like an obvious nickname that would be used, to me at least.

Technically it could work- when you yelled for one you probably wouldn’t get the other coming running, and that’s what defines for me whether they’re too close to both be used. However, they’re close enough (mostly the same letters used, both are two syllables, both are nicknames for [name]Harriet[/name]/[name]Henrietta[/name]). If you want to use both on an actual daughter, I would recommend naming her [name]Harriet[/name] or [name]Henrietta[/name] and calling her by both as nicknames- there’s definitely no rule that a person can’t have more than one nickname!

I don’t think it’s usable. The double t’s sound way too similar, they’re too nicknamey, and they come from the same name. If you are to use one over the other in the future, I would use [name]Hattie[/name].

I love the two separately, but together they’re too matchy. Maybe [name]Ada[/name] and [name]Hattie[/name]?