You have lovely name options and what ever you go with I am sure will be a beautiful name.
Of your girl names, the ones I like and think will be not only unique but classic and age well are: [name]Julia[/name], [name]Niamh[/name], [name]Miriam[/name] and [name]Naomi[/name]. I think [name]Freya[/name] is more popular then you think, and [name]Lily[/name] is SUPER popular, and [name]Alice[/name] is gaining speed. And I think [name]Aine[/name], though beautiful, works better as a middle name.
Of you boy names, the ones that I like and think will be not only unique but classic and age well are: [name]Lachlan[/name], [name]Joseph[/name], [name]Seth[/name], and [name]James[/name]. [name]Liam[/name], [name]Sebastian[/name] and [name]Noah[/name] are all very popular and trendy names and from your description in that you want a name that is “a bit unique” then I think it would be great for you to go for names that are not too popular, but are still recognizable and familiar.
I think [name]Niamh[/name] and [name]Lachlan[/name] are BEAUTIFUL names that are different, but familiar. [name]Niamh[/name] has a slight pronunciation issue, but I think if you get it in your minds that you will be pronouncing the name multiple times before it clicks then you will be fine. I personally [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Naomi[/name], and it is a PERFECT example of a name that is not too popular (#96, last year), yet recognizable.
([name]Julia[/name] is much more popular - in the 50’s - then you other names, and [name]Miriam[/name] is in the upper 300’s.)
I think [name]Naomi[/name] [name]Jean[/name] is beautiful. I also love [name]Naomi[/name] [name]Helena[/name] [name]Liv[/name] (a slight deviation from your middle name option [name]Helen[/name] to [name]Helena[/name] and the [name]Liv[/name] from your name [name]Olivia[/name]). I think that is a georgous name and if you are al for 2 middle names I would highly recommend this.
[name]Niamh[/name] does not seem to go well with any of your chosen middle names. Maybe you would consider:
Niahm [name]Colette[/name]
Niahm [name]Alexandria[/name]
[name]Niamh[/name] [name]Antoinette[/name]
I think [name]Niamh[/name] needs a longer middle name as it is one syllable. I love [name]Niamh[/name] [name]Antoinette[/name] as it has the french feel in the middle name that goes well with your husbands name.
[name]Miriam[/name] [name]Allana[/name] works well, but not as well as the [name]Naomi[/name] and [name]Niamh[/name] combo’s above. Though [name]Miriam[/name] [name]Olivia[/name] works well. [name]Julia[/name] doesn’t seem to go well with any of your proposed middle names.
For the boys. Again, [name]Lachlan[/name] is my favorite, with [name]James[/name] coming in a close second. Neither of those names, as well as [name]Joseph[/name], do you hear often, YET you know they are names. [name]Seth[/name] is fading in popularity and I think is a beautiful and strong name that ages incredibly well.
[name]Lachlan[/name] [name]Jack[/name] works well, [name]Lachlan[/name] [name]Charles[/name], too. I would suggest [name]Lachlan[/name] [name]Etienne[/name] but I think that is mixing cultures too much.
[name]James[/name] [name]Graham[/name] and [name]James[/name] [name]Charles[/name] work, but [name]James[/name] [name]Etienne[/name] is AMAZING! It is perfect, in my view. [name]Seth[/name] [name]Graham[/name] is good too.
Overall I suggest:
[name]James[/name] [name]Etienne[/name]
[name]Lachlan[/name] [name]Jack[/name]
[name]Naomi[/name] [name]Jean[/name]
[name]Naomi[/name] [name]Helena[/name] [name]Liv[/name]
[name]Niamh[/name] [name]Alexandria[/name]
[name]Niamh[/name] [name]Antoinette[/name]
Good [name]Luck[/name]! Oh I just realized this is a VERY [name]LONG[/name] POST! It was fun, you have great options for names.