Expecting! What do u think of my top names?

I can’t believe I’m finally pregnant and can post on nameberry! Yay! We don’t know the sex yet, but have top name picks for each sex. We don’t plan on telling anyone until the baby is born, so I’d love to know what you berries think.

For a girl:

  1. [name]Mathilda[/name] [name]Quinn[/name]
    This is my top pick because its classic, uncommon, and has a good flow with our last name ([name]Henderson[/name]). I also loooove the nickname [name]Maude[/name]! My husband likes this spelling because it has the word “math” in it. My only concern is popularity. [name]How[/name] popular do you think it will be in real life? I’ve never met a [name]Mathilda[/name], but it seems pretty popular on nameberry.

other favorites:


I love both names but I’m concerned about pronounciation, and flow.

For a boy

Escher [name]Noam[/name]

Escher is pronounced like [name]Asher[/name] with a short E. [name]Noam[/name] is like a noah with an m. My only concern is whether or not Escher will look like a made up name.

We are pretty set on that name, but I also like [name]Sterling[/name], [name]Roscoe[/name], and [name]Amos[/name].

Let me know what you think. Thanks berries!

Congrats! See my recent thread for a lot of thoughts from Nameberries on the popularity of [name]Matilda[/name]. I’m sure [name]Mathilda[/name] will be a lot less common. I’m partial to [name]Matilda[/name] m’self, as you can tell from my signature. :slight_smile:

From what I can tell it’s a very popular name on Nameberry, and probably seems more popular than it is in real life because it’s quite memorable. But only .018% of baby girls were called [name]Matilda[/name] in 2011. Needless to say, that’s not very many.

I prefer [name]Mathilde[/name] spelled this way (French spelling) or [name]Matilda[/name]. If you want “math” in the name, then [name]Mathilde[/name] is the spelling I’d choose! I think [name]Quinn[/name] pairs nicely as a middle name. I love [name]Aurelia[/name], too, but think, unless you’re in France, Amelie will be butchered a little (or pronounced Emily).

Unfortunately, I don’t like any of your boys names, sorry!

I [name]LOVE[/name] your names. My second choice is [name]Amelie[/name], but [name]Mathilda[/name] is definitely my top pick.

This is how I’d pronounce the other two names: [name]Amelie[/name], AIM-eeh-lee. Like a slightly softer ‘ee’ sound, almost an ‘ih’. And [name]Aurelia[/name], aw-[name]REY[/name]-lee-uh

As for your boy’s names, Escher [name]Noam[/name] is really cool! I’m not too big on [name]Noam[/name], but it flows really well with Escher and is interesting. [name]Sterling[/name], [name]Roscoe[/name] and [name]Amos[/name] are also awesome, but Escher flows much better with [name]Noam[/name] than any of these. Escher doesn’t look made up, and even if it does to some people, who cares? It’s awesome!

I don’t think [name]Mathilda[/name] will be too popular. It’s popular on here, but this is only a small segment of internet culture that draws from all over the world. It HAS been rising in popularity, but it’s still in the 700s, so she might run into one or two in her lifetime, and that’s not a big deal.

I love your girls names too. I like [name]Mathilde[/name] more than [name]Mathilda[/name], but i thought it was pronounced differently (more like Ma-teeld). Also like [name]Amelie[/name]. i’ve never heard anyone say it AIM-eeh-lee. I think [name]Ah[/name]-meh-lee is more common. I assume [name]Aurelia[/name] would be least common and I think it’s pretty intuitive how to say it. Very pretty :slight_smile:

Congratulations, Maple10!

I really like [name]Mathilda[/name] [name]Quinn[/name], but I think the suggestion of [name]Mathilde[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] would be cute too.

I pronounce [name]Amelie[/name] as [name]AH[/name]-mih-lee and [name]Aurelia[/name] as ah-REHL-ee-uh. [name]Both[/name] are pretty, but trendier than [name]Mathilda[/name] as they have broader appeal and start with A.

I was just noticing that from this week’s posts that [name]Maude[/name] is a nameberry love that most of us aren’t brave enough to use, so if this is her nn, more power to you.

I can’t get enough of Escher [name]Noam[/name]! It’s just about perfection – I automatically think of MC Escher and [name]Noam[/name] Chomsky, so it’s a great blend of quirky creativity and intelligence, with a nice flow. For what it’s worth, I think [name]Mathilda[/name] and Escher is a great sibset.

I think [name]Mathilda[/name] and Escher would be fantastic choices! Escher is very fun to say.

[/Quote]I can’t get enough of Escher [name]Noam[/name]! It’s just about perfection – I automatically think of MC Escher and [name]Noam[/name] Chomsky, so it’s a great blend of quirky creativity and intelligence, with a nice flow. For what it’s worth, I think [name]Mathilda[/name] and Escher is a great sibset.[/QUOTE]

Those are exactly the namesakes and qualities I was referencing! Glad you like it!

I love [name]Asher[/name] too. Its too popular for me though.

Thank you! I love [name]Maude[/name], but I would wait and see if it fits her personality.It seems very wearable to me. I think of [name]Maude[/name] Apatow. I’m glad you got the references for Escher [name]Noam[/name], thats exactly what I was going for.

I think [name]Mathilda[/name] [name]Quinn[/name], [name]Aurelia[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] & [name]Amelie[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] are lovely names. I especially like that you want to use [name]Maude[/name] as a nn…this is one of my name crushes plus I have an Aunt named [name]Maud[/name]!