Anybody else having issues with extreme slowness? Even as I type this the words show up about 3 seconds after I’ve typed them. I cannot respond to a post quickly as it takes so long. I can use other sites just fine, including YouTube.
[name_f]Every[/name_f] once in a while Nameberry will lag and be extremely slow for me as well. Sometimes I will type my entire comment in the quick reply box and it will still be showing just the first few words I typed. There are also times I hit the post button and it takes a bit to actually put my comment through. I assumed it was just me to be honest, so I’m glad others have similar lag times.
I’ve been noticing this as well. I know this thread is old-ish but the slowness has persisted for me for the last week or so. It seems to be on the way out; the site is loading faster today than it has for a while. It’s also mostly the forums that go slow. I can manage the lag on other parts of the site but the forum lag is just extreme.