Faith or Hope

What are peoples thoughts on these names? I’ve loved [name_f]Grace[/name_f] for years but now that we’ve named a son [name_m]Gabriel[/name_m] I’m less inclined to use it as I’d prefer not to repeat initials.

The siblings names are Paul, Clare, Mark, Katharine, James, Andrew, Gabriel and Thomas. Does one work better than the other ?

[name_u]Love[/name_u] both!! I think [name_f]Faith[/name_f] works best with your kids

I also enjoy both and am inclined to agree that [name_f]Faith[/name_f] works best with the sibset.

My name is [name_f]Faith[/name_f] and I love it! It’s short and sweet. I think it sounds great with the sibset.

[name_f]Faith[/name_f] is Really cute and defo goes well with the siblings they already have

[name_f]Faith[/name_f] definitely.

I love both! [name_f]Hope[/name_f] is my favourite, and I think it still works with your sibset, but [name_f]Faith[/name_f] probably fits your sibset better overall

I prefer [name_f]Faith[/name_f].