Fake Teaser Game!

“Would you really?” I asked in wonder. “Wait, is that even allowed?”
[name_f]Amethyst[/name_f] shrugs. “Of course it is. I’m a keystone–I make the rules.” She suddenly turns serious. “But it will have to be done now. The boy has minutes left to live.”
I swear (not a good idea around a keystone, but [name_f]Amethyst[/name_f] doesn’t seem to mind). Coramaris taps my shoulder, shy in the presence of such powerful fire magic.
“This doesn’t feel right,” she says quietly. “He should at least be awake.”
I can’t help but agree with her. This shouldn’t be our choice to make about Sparrow’s destiny–but if we don’t agree, he won’t have a destiny at all.

Next word: destiny

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