I have previously posted about needing to rename myself. Fingers crossed –I have my answer but now I am feeling frustrated that I can’t find ways to use my name and make it more familiar.
Most of my husbands and my work colleagues call me [name_f]Raine[/name_f] (my nn from my surname) –and we won’t be staying here so long that I really want to worry them to change and face the inevitable why did you do this question.People assume I use DHs surname and I have not inflicted on them the story of events that caused me to need to change.
However it will be towards the end of the year before we shift and I am anxious to keep a sense of continuity and familiarity for the new name. My immediate family have been on board but I would appreciate any other offers of ideas.
Many thanks.
I renamed myself a few times in elementary school because I didn’t identify with my name. Being in elementary school, I would yell at people when they used the wrong name for me. Obviously don’t do that ;).
Hm. I once knew a girl in high school who called herself something other than her name. It was the only name I knew her by, and until she said something people assumed when her first name was used that she went by her middle name. I haven’t seen your older posts, but it looks like you’ll be moving in a few months. When you go, just introduce yourself with the new name and people won’t question it.
In the meantime, ask yourself how much it bothers you for this one set of people (coworkers) to be using your current name. If you still want to switch before you move, just ask them one person at a time to call you your new name. If they ask why and you don’t feel comfortable sharing, just tell them it’s personal and don’t look offended. You don’t owe anyone any part of your story.
Best of luck <3
Thanks @beach bear a very thoughtful answer. No you are right I have no desire or need to mess with any of the people I know here. I will always be [name_f]Raine[/name_f] and some might one day find out its my surname but its just in my enthusiasm to see what it feels like when other strangers call me [name_u]Paris[/name_u] and especially when you are mostly a SAHM to a 8 month old with a limited social life. [name_f]Nana[/name_f] suggested I should answer/advertise for some pen-pals. Twas very sweet of her in my new name but we just don’t do it that way.
[name_u]Paris[/name_u], maybe try a play date for your baby and meet a few other parents or coffee shop? Definitely order something online to receive mail addressed to [name_u]Paris[/name_u]! Best wishes with all the new adventures.
Thank you @ruolan. (I appreciate your usinf my name)
This was a thoughtful gesture from you. I realize I must already be quite used to it because it does not look at all strange.
I have been thinking about mail order and I have an email in [name_u]Paris[/name_u]. [name_u]Rain[/name_u] …@ created. I guess I can order so much if I really look. I now recall recommending others to make hair appts. e.g. and cancel (early of course) or get phone backs.
There is a feeling that something is not there-in fact I just identified to myself what it is.
Thank you again.