Okay, so I love names and I always go on baby name websites even though I’m a kid and have no, and since this is the only website my mom allows me to go on that has a forum, here it goes:
So my father’s had several strokes, and even before then he had a vein of mental instability. The strokes, however, really exacerbated the mental illness and now he’s extremely difficult to live with. I can deal with pretty much everything except for the obsession he has with washing his hands. He’ll randomly get up and wash his hands, he’ll wash his hands before he goes to the bathroom, after he gives the dog food, before and after he gives the dog water, after he touches the TV remote, if he touches a doorknob, etc. etc. etc. When he washes his hands, he has the water running full blast and soaps his hands for a long time, then rinses them for ages, so he has the water running, full blast, for about a minute.
[name]Ever[/name] since my dad started with this hand washing thing, I’ve gotten a thing about conserving water and can’t stand when people waste water, and I’m always using as little water as I can, I’ve stopped bathing as often as I should, and I use hand sanitizer instead of washing my hands after I go to the bathroom. This used to be okay for dealing with the hand-washing thing, but ever since we got new faucets, the sound of water running drives me insane. I can’t deal with hearing it. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. And no matter where I am in my house, I hear it. I begin twitching and sometimes start crying, it drives me so insane. Sometimes I plug my ears and that helps, but if I’m in the middle of a conversation I can’t exactly do that. My mother’s told my father to stop it a couple times, but he doesn’t listen to her, it’s a complicated relationship.
I can’t take hearing it anymore, it’s gotten to the point that whenever I hear water running I get insane. I don’t want to approach my father about it, because I don’t want to hurt his feelings, and he’s not gonna stop anyway.
What do I do? I’m desperate, I don’t know how to deal with this aynmore, I need help. Should I speak to my father about it? [name]How[/name]? I’m desperate, please, I really need help and I don’t know what to do, any answer will be appreciated, thanks a lot in advance!
[name]EDIT[/name]: Thank you all so much for your answers. I’m honored at the amount of responses I got, and I’m happy that so many people care. I thought I was one of the only ones in this predicament, and knowing that I’m far from really makes me feel better. I plan on speaking to my father about this…thank you all so much again.
[name]EDIT[/name]: I don’t think anyone’s checking back at this point, but if you are, then I just spoke to my dad, and he said that he’ll try not to keep the water at full blast…hopefully he’ll stay true to his word. Thanks for the support…I never could have approached him about it if it wasn’t for you guys who answered my question. Thank you so much, I owe you guys my self-peace.