Family Name vs Favorite Name

Number Two is currently the size of a poppy seed, so to me this is still somewhat hypothetical, but, I’m having a dilemma: Use a Family Name or use my [name_m]Favorite[/name_m] Name?

Myself, my husband, our son, both my parents, and all four of my grandparents (!!) have/had family names for both our first and middle names (We’re all first-borns if that explains anything :joy:). So using family names has been very deeply ingrained in me, and I’m lucky that my favorite boy name happened to be a family name that I could happily use for my son. However, when I hear non-family names that cousins, etc. have chosen I often think “Wow! I wish I could use a fabulous name like that!”, but I worry that over time I would like the non-family names less or would even come to regret not using a family/honor name.

Husband doesn’t like the “best” family names that are left on my side, and while I love his family I’m not sure I would be okay with Number Two having a first, middle, and last name from his side and nothing from mine. What do you think I should do- find a family name (from any side) that I like or use a non-family name that I love?

I think in your shoes I’d be looking for a first I loved and pairing it with a family middle! That’s what we’ve done with our sons even though family names are not so ingrained. Congrats on #2!


[name_m]Favorite[/name_m] name, your family middle name, his surname


if i were you, i’d use my favorite name as a first and a family name from my side for the middle! seems like the best of both worlds.


Maybe look for a family inspired name that you really love and get the best of both worlds?

Whatever it is just choose something you really like, family or new.


I’d use your favourite name :person_shrugging: and then put an honour in the middle spot - so you get the best of both

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Thanks! I think this is what we’re leaning towards but trying to agree on which names is still difficult :joy:

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