*Warning for shipwreck (obviously) and potential deaths.
Okay so in this game, there’s going to be a family aboard a sinking ship among several other passengers. How will it all go down (literally)? Well let’s see here!
Game Setup
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] Dice for when the game takes place.
- [name_u]Early[/name_u] 1800s
- Late 1800s
- [name_u]Early[/name_u] 1900s
- Late 1900s
- Present day
- You choose
So to create the family, start with a couple and roll for how many children they have and a 1-6 Dice for their ages. Make sure the couple’s ages are reasonably aligned for their kids’ ages. D4 how to choose names:
- Common for time period
- [name_u]Nature[/name_u], virtue, and/or seasonal word names.
- Short but sweet
- You choose
Now roll a 1-6 Dice twice for any siblings of the couple.
- 1 older brother
- 1 older sister
- 1 twin brother
- 1 twin sister
- 1 older brother and 1 younger sister
- 1 older sister and 1 younger brother
And a 1-4 dice if they have kids.
- No kids
- 1 baby (gender your choice)
- 1 kid (gender your choice)
- You choose
All surnames are your choice.
The family is now on the ship. Each day, roll a 1-6 dice until the shipwreck happens!
[name_u]Day[/name_u] 1:
- (You choose) enjoys walking around the ship and exploring.
- The family enjoys the lovely dinner at a great price.
- (One of the couple’s siblings) misses being at home with spouse.
- (You choose) starts to feel sick, but it’s just seasickness.
- SHIPWRECK! Ignore the following days and go to the shipwreck section.
- The youngest family member keeps crying and everyone tries to calm down.
[name_u]Day[/name_u] 2:
- One of the kids almost gets missing while running around the boat.
- SHIPWRECK! Ignore the following days and go to the shipwreck section.
- (You choose) starts to feel sick, and it’s affecting health and energy.
- The family enjoys the pool.
- The kids enjoy the main deck.
- (You choose) is worried about the ship’s stability.
[name_u]Day[/name_u] 3:
- SHIPWRECK! Ignore the following days and go to the shipwreck section.
- (You choose) argues with (you choose).
- (You choose) eats a lot of delicious food, then falls asleep.
- The couple bonds even closer while on board.
- (You choose) isn’t enjoying the ride much and wants to get to the destination.
- The family gets lost while exploring the ship.
SHIPWRECK! If you rolled this section, proceed here. If you made it all 3 days before the wreck, it’s time for the inevitable: the ship starts sinking!
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-6 dice if the ship staff made a rule if anyone gets prioritised. This doesn’t mean that the prioritised survives and non-prioritised dies, it just raises the chances.
- No priority
- Women and children first
- Children first
- No priority
- First class priority (Roll dice if your family was part of first class, even means yes and odd means no. If it’s yes, your family is essentially all prioritised but if no, none of them are.)
- No priority
Shipwrecked Result Events: [name_m]Roll[/name_m] D10 for each member of the family as to whether they safely got off the ship. In the unlucky chance that they somehow all died, you can spare three from what would be their death and rewrite that scenario.
For Prioritised
- Survived: Made it on the lifeboat as quickly as possible.
- Survived: Was one of the first to board a lifeboat.
- Survived: Got separated by family while people were trying to board but luckily made it through.
- Died: Sacrificed own life to make sure someone else survived.
- Survived: Found the lifeboats first and alerted other prioritised family members to get on.
- Survived: Was lost and on the brink of dying, but a ship staff member found the survivor on time and made sure of that person’s survival.
- Survived: Almost missed the lifeboat that person was prioritised for but managed to get there in time.
- Survived: Found another prioritised relative to get on the same lifeboat with.
- Survived: Boarded the closest lifeboat, luckily very close.
- Died: Boarded a very crowded lifeboat, which sunk due to too much weight.
For Non-Prioritised (or for everyone if there wasn’t a priority)
- Survived: Only had a life raft but was able to board it safely.
- Survived: Jumped as quickly as possible to anywhere that room was available.
- Died: Struggled from an injury caused by the shipwreck and succumbs.
- Survived: Was one of the last to make it on a life raft and barely made it on time.
- Survived: Was not originally going to survive but did so when a ship staff member sacrificed to save that person.
- Died: Attempted to jump off the boat too early onto a life raft but fell to death from the height.
- Died: Stayed on the boat inside and was never able to get on the outside deck quickly enough.
- Died: Tried to swim as fast as possible to a life raft but was not strong enough of a swimmer to get there.
- Died: Succumbed to hypothermia.
- Died: Stayed on the deck too long and sunk with the ship when all the lifeboats and life rafts already departed.
The surviving family members are trying to get to shore. Due to the hectic scramble, they were separated, but now this is their chance to get reunited, at least the people who survived to do so. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] 1-6 to how this concludes.
- The separated surviving family members are found by a passing-by boat who saves them all.
- The separated surviving family members are stuck on an island, but manage to get rescued. (Roll a 1-6 dice, if you roll a 6, someone of your choice dies on the island before they’re all saved.)
- The separated surviving family members find a little civilisation and try to make the most of their time there before heading home.
- The separated surviving family members find a little civilisation and end up living there after all, needing a new beginning after what had just happened.
- It’s a tougher than usual time for everyone and one of the lifeboats/life rafts that one of the relatives was on (you choose) gets lost at sea! (Roll a 1-6, 1-2-3 means everyone is found and lives, 4 means everyone unfortunately dies, and 5-6 means it remains missing and nobody finds out what happens.) The remaining people are on various land until they get the means to reconnect.
- The separated surviving family members are lost for a very long time and remain separated for months until they’re able to finally see each other again.
[name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to write any other details after this if you want, I know this is probably one of my crazier games, and hope there was (at least some) good luck!