All names belong to famous (and semi-famous) people born on this day throughout history. Nicknames or stage names are in parentheses. Have fun!
DH (79) John Vincent, Johan Hendrik, * Hans Walter Conrad (“Conrad”) *, Joseph Carmine (“Joe”), * Caspar Jacob Christiaan * [Clayson, Kuiper, Falkner, Corti, Langbroek]
-DW (77): Harriette Arlene, Wilhelmina Beatrice, Maria Leopoldina, Alaine Charlotte Dorothy *, Laura Constance (“Constance”)
–Ddog (10): Pete
–DS (51): * Michael Kelland John *, Johan August (“August”), Max Ray, * Malcolm Robert Andrew *, James Louis
–DD (49): Willa Beatrice, Isabel Mary, Margaret Rose, Irene Joy, Olive Kathleen
DS (51):
-DW (50): Mary Hayley, Nyree Dawn, Barbara Jean, * Alma Delia Susanna *, Astrid Maria
–DS (18): Charles Fulton (“Fulton”), Michael Dean (“Mike”), * Frederick Christian Charles Augustus
(“Christian”) *, Harry Owen, Amos Aaron
—Dgf (18): Maria Augusta, Martha Beatrice (“Beatrice”), Caitlin Elizabeth, Amanda Lee, Beverley Ann [Calloway, Lemmon, Gentry, Ferguson, Blair]
–DS (15): Emil Edward, George Francis, Thomas Gregory, James Henry, John Joseph
–DS (12): Charles Vincent, Benjamin Arthur (“Ben”), Jonathan Simon, Thomas David, John Wesley
DD (49):
-DH (52): Hans Erich, Mario Andres, * Henri Paul Julien * , Friedrich Georg (“Fritz”), Giuseppe Luigi [Brinkerhoff, Campos, Roussel, Heinrich, Genovese]
–DS (20): Charles Jacob (“Jake”), Benjamin Robert (“Ben”), James Preston (“JP”), Joseph Aloysius, George Paul
—Dgf (21): Olivia Jane, Shelley Ann, Diana Love, Verdina, Galina Ivanovna [Gordon, Jeffers, Longfellow, Miles, Matveyeva]
–DS (16): Charles Raymond, Fletcher Joseph (“Joe”), Edward Stephen, Robert Bruce, George Gordon