Favorite A names

I think my old poll got lost I can’t find it. It contains our favorite A girl names. Please leave your opinions! Thanks for the help on our boy names!

[name]Abigail[/name] [name]Rae[/name] nn [name]Abby[/name] [name]Rae[/name] or [name]Abby[/name]-[name]Rae[/name]

[name]Addison[/name] or [name]Addyson[/name] (I like the y because it’s different and not like the disease.) nn [name]Addy[/name]

Adiya Jewish: God’s ornament ([name]Ad[/name]-ee-uh) nn [name]Addy[/name]

[name]Alina[/name] French: Pretty nn [name]Lina[/name], Linee (Leen-ee).

[name]Amelia[/name] nn [name]Mel[/name] not [name]Mia[/name] or [name]Lia[/name] or [name]Amy[/name].

[name]Amma[/name] Jewish: Servant (Am-uh) nn [name]Ammie[/name] (Am-ee)


[name]April[/name] (this is special to me since I am a baseball fan and this is when the season starts and when I became a fan of my Las [name]Vegas[/name] 51’s at age 12. I have become friends with many of the players and so it holds special meaning to me. It’s pretty to and I love spring!)



[name]Avi[/name] (Aw-vee)

[name]Avigail[/name] (Aw-vee-gail) [name]How[/name] abigail is written in Hebrew.


[name]Abigail[/name] [name]Rae[/name] nn [name]Abby[/name] [name]Rae[/name] or [name]Abby[/name]-[name]Rae[/name]–[name]LOVE[/name] this

[name]Alina[/name] French: Pretty nn [name]Lina[/name], Linee (Leen-ee).–very pretty combination

[name]Audrey[/name] (how about [name]Audrey[/name] [name]April[/name]?)

[name]Ava[/name] ([name]Rae[/name] is a pretty mn)

I like [name]Alina[/name]! :slight_smile: