Favorites Quotes From Your Story

Hello fellow writer-berries! I was recently rereading some of my old works, and found some lines that I just adore. I wanted to know your guys favorite lines or dialogue from your own works, past or current. Here’s mine:

“A victim would’ve stayed, waiting for someone to save them. But a survivor will do whatever it takes to make it out alive.”
“In my defense, I was born this way.”
“Rachel, your whole life there are going to be be jerks. The trick is to be smarter then them and use one of the most powerful weapons known to man: psychological torture.”
“We’ve all faced problems, we all struggle with our own demons. That’s what makes us human.”
“Gin, what was that con where [name_f]Clara[/name_f] and I were almost mugged by that gang of hobos?”
“Whoever invented Monopoly was a sad, lonely person who wanted to break families, destroy friendships, and just watch the world burn in general.”


I love this idea! This is going to be really fun. Okay, here are my quotes:

“Oh, so the hotshot’s afraid of snakes, is he?”

“I’m Bert Johnson. Bert Johnson, I am."

“There she is!” “I can see that, Witherspoon."

“Are you scared?” “No. Smart.”

“I’m Arcadia, and Mr. Grumpypants over here is my brother, Flash.”

“What have I told you about saying sorry?” “Right. Won’t happen again.”

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I love these, especially the one about Monopoly!

“It’s his own psycho stepmother, we already know this,” [name_f]Evangeline[/name_f] reminded them. “You know, like it was Niamh’s last time. And my mother the time before that. Hey, when do we have to defeat your crazy parents, Zaccaria?”

“Shut up! Mine are perfectly normal and don’t want me or the rest of us dead!”

(Low bar. Very low. Especially since they kind of did kill her twin sister. [name_m]Just[/name_m] saying.)

Not dialogue, but this whole section just makes me feel kinda proud.

Through it all, [name_u]Zephyr[/name_u] doesn’t flinch, because he is not human, and does not feel pain.

When the knife is dropped to the floor, it is clean of blood, because [name_u]Zephyr[/name_u] is not human, and he does not bleed.

The concept is horrifying to think about, and it makes [name_u]Kai[/name_u] feel sick, but it is true.

The evidence is there.

But through it all, Zephyr’s eyes show that he is scared by Kerensa’s words, disgusted by them, furious at the idea of such a huge secret being hidden from him for so long when it was a secret about him, and [name_u]Kai[/name_u] can see clear as day that these emotions prove that [name_u]Zephyr[/name_u] is, to an extent, human.

And this:

“Not scared of someone who’s not made of flesh and bone?”

His voice, when he does speak, is quiet as always, but there is force behind it. It’s weird, because [name_u]Zephyr[/name_u] hardly ever talks. Maybe it’s the mask that keeps him quiet…?

“The Mairyx [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] wasn’t sentient, and it nearly killed an entire school. It couldn’t use magic, and yet it’s one of the most terrifying things we ever had to deal with. So how come something that’s part Mairyx [name_f]Crystal[/name_f] that can think for itself and use magic and can’t be defeated by said crystal not terrify you?”

There’s also how it just ends with the focus character going ‘Something bad is about to happen’. Totally needed your seer powers to see that one coming. [name_u]Or[/name_u] how he just casually announces that Zephyr’s face is glittering and is just told to shut up.

Different story now, none of which is really dialogue:

And besides, who else wanted to walk around a place hosting at least a thousand dead bodies during a thunderstorm?

Literally nobody. You’re on your own there, [name_f]Aurora[/name_f].

By all rights, the boy she was looking at should be dead.

Yeah, no ----.

Her lungs seemed to make the connection faster, because when her brain caught up she had to remind herself to breathe. “Lauri… [name_u]Lauri[/name_u] Elama…?”

(Context, she’s just been looking at [name_u]Lauri[/name_u] Elama’s grave.)

She found herself exhaling deeply, and against all common sense reached out to touch the boy’s shoulder. Expecting her hand to go straight through, she froze as it made contact.

When she drew it away, her fingers were red with blood.

I was so proud of that ending. It was for a writing contest but I’m going to develop it into a longer story.


Here’s mine :grin: :

“Oh,” I said, feeling the blood rush up to my cheeks, “No, no, no. I’m not a singer. I….honestly Madame [name_u]Pennie[/name_u], I sound like a dying chicken when I try to sing.”

“What an interesting analogy. Forgive me dear, but have you ever heard what a dying chicken sounds like?” Madame [name_u]Pennie[/name_u] asked.


“I thought as much.”


[name_m]Ah[/name_m]! I meant to reply to the original post when I said this. Anyway, I still stand by what I said, so… :slightly_smiling_face:

I love all of these! Here are a few more I found:
“They’re looking at me like I’m a criminal!” “Uh, Ev? You are a criminal.”
“If looks could kill, [name_f]Clara[/name_f] would be a mass murderer.”
“Do you want to me break every single bone in your body while telling you their names? Because I will!”
“So, I kidnapped her, as one does.”
“If there’s anything people like more than the well being of others, it’s money.”
“Take an allergy pill [name_u]Charles[/name_u]. And if that doesn’t work, I will happily stab an epipen into your leg.”


“Since when were you an artist?”
“What… what are you on about?”
“Didn’t you pick [name_m]History[/name_m] over [name_m]Art[/name_m]? And did you really just doodle that onto your arm in Maths or something?”
“One, no, I picked Geography over [name_m]History[/name_m] and [name_f]Music[/name_f] over [name_m]Art[/name_m]. You know this. Two, that’s not ink, that’s my skin. Three, no, I have magic powers and I didn’t get them during Maths. [name_u]Happy[/name_u] now?”


“So being friends with us – if you want to be – means you’ll be forced into the occasional ‘abusive parent or stepparent’ fight, and possible risk of possession by dark magic or personality flip due to dark secret being revealed after fourteen years… why are you giving me those looks, Niamh?”

“You’re aware…” I sighed, biting my lip. “You are aware that we’re breaking into a sacred temple tonight, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, so what?” [name_f]Neve[/name_f] shrugged.
So what? If we’re caught, we’ve got a literal death sentence here! I get that you have a death wish, we all do, but I would much rather fall off a cliff 'cause of a dumb mistake than get thrown off because of heretical larceny or whatever this is!”


“Jeez, Zero,” she [Aislinn] laughed. “How old are you?”
Twelve?” [name_f]Liadain[/name_f] shrieked, horror clear on her face. “I thought you were like, not twelve.”