Favourite nickname for Margaret

What is your favourite nickname for [name]Margaret[/name]/ [name]Marguerite[/name]?

Ones I like:
Minnie (too much of a stretch?)

I’ve been trying for years to get my husband to agree to [name]Daisy[/name] as a nickname for [name]Margaret[/name]. I think its the best of both worlds! Cute and sweet [name]Daisy[/name] for the little girl and elegant and traditional [name]Margaret[/name] for the grown woman.

There is always [name]Maggie[/name], but I grew up next door to a Scottish Terrier with the name and so now its a dog’s name to me.

I love [name]Meg[/name] and [name]Greta[/name], although [name]Greta[/name] can certainly stand on its own.

If I had a [name]Margaret[/name], she would be [name]Maggie[/name] like my grandmother. They sang this song at her funeral Shaw Communications

I love [name]Maggie[/name] and [name]Margot[/name] as a nickname for [name]Margaret[/name]. I went to school with a [name]Margaret[/name] who went by [name]Megan[/name] too…which I thought was weird.

You know, I’m a big fan of just using the name [name]Margaret[/name] as it is, in full form. I’m a [name]Margaret[/name], and I’ve never gone by any nickname versions of my name. I may be biased,:wink: but I think it’s darling to see little girls with the full name [name]Margaret[/name]. (In addition, I know of a sweet little toddler girl at my church who goes by the full version, and the effect is absolutely charming.)

[name]Love[/name] [name]Maggie[/name] and [name]Greta[/name]! I also quite like [name]Maisie[/name], [name]Mae[/name], and even [name]Daisy[/name]. I met a [name]Margaret[/name] nn [name]Margot[/name] today, and was quite impressed by that. I also like [name]Mari[/name]/[name]Ari[/name] and [name]Em[/name], though they’re not as often used as nns for [name]Margaret[/name]. I like [name]Meg[/name], too.

My name’s [name]Margaret[/name] and the nm’s I’ve gone by so far are:
And most recently Marg, but it’s used teasingly.
I don’t think [name]Minnie[/name]'s a stretch. I think it would be a refreshing nm choice.
[name]Maggie[/name]'s nice too.

[name]Meg[/name] or [name]May[/name]

[name]Margaret[/name] means [name]Pearl[/name]. I’d use [name]Pearl[/name].

[name]Daisy[/name], [name]Maggie[/name], [name]Mae[/name]

I love [name]Margot[/name] and [name]Greta[/name]. [name]Pearl[/name] is adorable, and the French form [name]Marguerite[/name] also means daisy, so [name]Daisy[/name] could be a super cute nickname.

From your list, [name]Greta[/name]. My favorite general nickname not mentioned is [name]Daisy[/name].

I’d love to use [name]Margaret[/name], but I worry that a NN will just happen and I won’t be able to stop it. I hate all the [name]Margaret[/name] NN’s… Did you find that to be a problem? [name]Do[/name] people try to call you Marg all the time?

[name]Maggie[/name] is my favorite.

It’s not on your list, but I love [name]Maisie[/name]

I think that [name]Minnie[/name] is really nice! My name’s [name]Maggie[/name], but it’s not short for anything. [name]One[/name] of the first things people tell me when they hear my name is that they know/have known a dog named [name]Maggie[/name]. It gets REALLY annoying. [name]Maggie[/name]'s cute, I think, but I wouldn’t suggest using it as a nickname.

[name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Greta[/name] are my favourites :slight_smile:

My favorites would be [name]Maggie[/name] and [name]Meg[/name]