Favourite Scandinavian Boy Names?

[name_f]My[/name_f] hubby is 1/2 [name_m]Danish[/name_m], and I’m 1/8 Norwegian - both of our moms have Scandinavian maiden names.

Hubby loves the name [name_m]Henrik[/name_m], after a Swedish hockey player … it’s growing on me, and I think it might just be the winner anyways, but wanted to see what else is out there.

I tried to sell him on [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] (my mom’s maiden name starts with Bjor-, and I did meet a [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] once, thought he was really nice!) … he says it’s “not a no”, but I know he doesn’t LOVE it like I do. I’m also wondering if I’d prefer it as a middle name (and we can’t use it for a middle name for this baby because that needs to be [name_m]Thomas[/name_m], after my late FIL).

I’ve looked at all sorts of Scandinavian baby name lists, but I’m wondering which ones YOU personally love - maybe there’s one that wasn’t on a list (too obscure, perhaps?), and I’m just curious to see what the community loves from this category :slight_smile:

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[name_m]Soren[/name_m] and [name_m]Stellan[/name_m] are my favorites.

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I like:


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i love scandinavian names! behindthename is a great website if you want to search for some more unique ones. my favs that i think sound good with thomas:

bo (bo pronounced more like “boo”)

i left out a bunch that i love that i just didn’t think fit as well with thomas!! otto especially is one of my favorite masculine names ever. some here might risk mispronunciation, but it’s totally up to you guys whether that bothers you. best of luck and congratulations!! (also 100% support bjorn as a middle someday- love that name!)

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[name_f]My[/name_f] grandmother was born in [name_u]Bergen[/name_u] and here are some family names that should be coming back into style (if you look at the 100 year rule)

[name_f]My[/name_f] great-grandfather was Kristian-Sebastian Stefanus
[name_f]My[/name_f] great-uncles:
Ottar, [name_m]Ketil[/name_m], [name_m]Erling[/name_m], [name_m]Einar[/name_m]

Names I like (besides Ottar, [name_m]Ketil[/name_m], [name_m]Erling[/name_m] and Einar)

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I really like the following, which have various levels of usability in an English-speaking context: (bolded my top faves)

[name_m]Casper[/name_m] / [name_m]Kasper[/name_m]
[name_m]Stefan[/name_m] / [name_m]Steffen[/name_m]

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I like [name_m]Henrik[/name_m], never heard it before but it sounds like a strong name. [name_f]My[/name_f] actual favorite Scandinavian name for a boy is [name_m]Gunnar[/name_m] but I don’t think I could use it these days. I do like [name_m]Stellan[/name_m] and [name_m]Viggo[/name_m] and [name_u]Axel[/name_u] was a name of one of my ancestors from [name_u]Sweden[/name_u], so I like that as well.

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I like a lot of Scandinavian boys’ names (girls’ names too). [name_m]Henrik[/name_m] would be a great choice.

[name_f]My[/name_f] husband is 1/4 Norwegian, so I like the idea that our kids have Scandinavian heritage (even though I personally don’t). One of our kids has a name that is used in Norway, among other countries.

Some of my favourites (either with Scandinavian origins or a history of usage in the Scandinavian countries):


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