[name]Hi[/name]! These are all so interesting, and this is a great thread to read.
Hitting on a few points:
To me, [name]India[/name] is not too trendy, but we are writing from different locations so I’m not sure that matters. It does give you two -ia endings with [name]Saskia[/name]. You have so many options that don’t do that that it’s maybe not the best. I do really like it, though. I also like that it fits with a subtle/not-subtle word thing you have going ([name]Bridge[/name], Sass, [name]Clover[/name], and…[name]India[/name]?).
[name]Rosamund[/name] - I don’t think it’s too too long, but it does take a little longer to say than the others (this matters more to me than the length in writing). Something about this is holding me back, a little - I’m getting a very heavy feeling from it – maybe the mund reminds me of mound? [name]Do[/name] you like Rosamel? It reminds me a little of what you maybe liked about [name]Mabel[/name] - sort of sweet and spunky. [name]Rosamund[/name] is lovely in its way, but just very, very serious, and I think [name]Bridget[/name], [name]Saskia[/name], and [name]Clover[/name] are more fun in their own ways. [name]Rosaline[/name]? I can understand wanting to avoid [name]Rosemary[/name] with [name]Clover[/name] : D.
[name]Daphne[/name] - nicknames – [name]Nea[/name]? Dav (as distinct from Daff, which is cute, but maybe not acceptable to you?) - I kind of am liking the idea of a Greek name in this set. [name]Phoebe[/name] nn [name]Fee[/name] or [name]Bee[/name]? Can you do [name]Fee[/name] from [name]Daphne[/name]? [name]Evanthe[/name]?
[name]Romilly[/name] - my feelings are very similar to yours
[name]Ellery[/name] - hmmm. I can see how this spelling is easier, but to US eyes it looks like two trends at once, a surname, and a way to get to [name]Elle[/name]/[name]Ellie[/name] et al, so it feels kind of out of place. [name]Eleanor[/name] would be more in place (but two -r names of course). I also think people would hear it and think it was [name]Hillary[/name] or [name]Emily[/name]. [name]Eleri[/name] is better to me, although it feels like a little less name somehow. [name]Eliora[/name] is one I like, but another a ending. [name]Eleni[/name]? You know, like with [name]Daphne[/name], I’m just liking an -ee sound ending here.
[name]Isis[/name] - is a total Egyptophile’s name to me, but honestly I see how you’re thinking it works. A different ending, separate in origin, a first vowel beginning. Nn [name]Issy[/name] could be cute. It’s maybe a lot of S with [name]Saskia[/name]'s name? I think people will hear (or in any case) [name]Iris[/name] a lot. Or “Ices”. [name]Irene[/name] (Ee-ray-nay. Am I repeating myself? Sorry if so). [name]Ione[/name]? Again, I am wanting a Greek name here, ha! That’s my problem, not yours : D! I think people will take it seriously enough…it’s a little hard to gauge, honestly.
I adore [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Valentine[/name]! : D. Also really like [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Imogen[/name], but DIM, along with RIM are initials worth considering avoiding… RIM may be more specifically a problem to slang (warning: adult slang) in my slice of the world and not yours, I’m not sure.
All best!