Feeling sad that I can't use my favorite names because they don't go with my partner's favorite and my mom hates them

[name_m]Hi[/name_m], I am naming my baby very soon. [name_f]My[/name_f] favorite names are [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f], and [name_f]Alice[/name_f]. [name_f]My[/name_f] partner’s favorite-by-far name is [name_f]Olivia[/name_f], which we didn’t know was the most popular name. But, I do like it too and we may use it. However none of the names I like work with [name_f]Olivia[/name_f]. [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] sounds the same and there’s a store called [name_f]Alice[/name_f] and [name_f]Olivia[/name_f], although I’m not sure how many people even know about it. I also like [name_f]Isabel[/name_f], but feel like it’s too common to combine with already popular [name_f]Olivia[/name_f].

[name_f]My[/name_f] partner is ok with my favorites, but my mother has told me she ‘hates’ them. She hates [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] because it sounds like silly (maybe there’s a deeper personal reason? Silly alone doesn’t seem enough to fuel her intense hatred of the name…). For the others she said ‘meh’, which is just disappointing to me. She likes [name_f]Olivia[/name_f]. I don’t have any siblings or other children, and she’s really overly invested in names for this baby, bringing it up all the time.

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[name_m]Hi[/name_m] and congratulations :blush:

First up, will the baby take dad’s surname?

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[name_u]Welcome[/name_u] to NB!

So tbh, it’s not your mom’s baby. It’s yours. She can choose whether or not she wants to be involved in the baby’s life if she hates the name. It may be prudent to keep the final choice a secret until the birth as she has proven herself not trustworthy to share names with if she’s being so harsh.

I had never heard of [name_f]Alice[/name_f] + [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] as a store and either [name_f]Alice[/name_f] Olivia/ [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_f]Alice[/name_f] would be a fine name. [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] is a completely normal name and would be a fine choice too. [name_u]Or[/name_u] you and your partner could look around here at some names together and see if any stand out to you.
Don’t let people who had no say in the baby’s making get you down with their inconsequential opinions. You can and you should use your favorites as long as you and your partner agree to the name.


I do think [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] and [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] are too close to use together, but I’ve never heard of the store, and [name_f]Alice[/name_f] and [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] are both popular enough that it wouldn’t be odd to use them as sisters or in a combination.

I think you do have to remember it’s your turn to name a baby - or rather, you and you partner’s - and you get to choose. Once a baby actually has the name, your mother might come round. I guess it just depends how willing you are to defend your choice - or to say you’re not sharing names until the baby is born?

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Once your mother meets the baby, I’m sure she will not care at all what the name is, and in fact will probably grow to like it because of the connection to her grandchild. I don’t think you should let her influence your naming choice. To help with this, I would recommend not sharing the name, or even name options, until after the baby is born.

[name_f]Olivia[/name_f] is a lovely name, but way too popular for my taste. I think [name_f]Alice[/name_f] and [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] are very sweet, vintage, pretty options, and I’ve never heard of [name_f]Alice[/name_f] & [name_f]Olivia[/name_f].
Here are some options similar to [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] but a little less popular.


Huge congratulations!

Oh gosh family members can be really overbearing especially when it comes to names. [name_f]My[/name_f] family were so invested and my partner vetoed a lot of along with cultural customs to follow I too said goodbye to my beloved [name_u]Rose[/name_u] which has been my favourite name for years and years. It’s really hard to let go.

Huge congratulations!

Oh gosh family members can be really overbearing especially when it comes to names. My family were so invested and my partner vetoed a lot of along with cultural customs to follow I too said goodbye to my beloved Rose which has been my favourite name for years and years. It’s really hard to let go.

However what you do need to remember that this is you and your partner’s baby. Therefore the people who opinions matter are you and your partner. I found this hard to grasp as my mother felt at the forefront of my naming journey but the reality is this is your time to shine. Your mother had her naming moment when she named you. It actually doesn’t matter that your mum likes Olivia and doesn’t like Sylvia. Yes it’s nice to have her approval but it doesn’t matter what she thinks. Also your mum will like the name when she associates it with her grandchild. My mums friend disliked every single one of her grandchildren’s names however fast forward to present day her youngest grandchild is 2 and she loves those names.

From what you’re saying your partner is okay with Sylvia so as your the mama carrying this baby for 9 months then enduring birth and postpartum I would embrace Sylvia. Your partner has okayed the name I would go with this. Sylvia is gorgeous! She’s whimsical, classic and rarer than Olivia. I also think Sylvia is way prettier than Olivia! Just keep the naming journey between you and your partner. Then be firm about her name once the baby is here. Ultimately this isn’t your mums decision. It would be different if your mum had a valid reason not to like Sylvia for example she was bullied by a work colleague named Sylvia but finding the name silly isn’t a good enough reason for your mum to want you to give the name up. Especially as Sylvia isn’t silly.
I’m suggesting as a compromise between you and your partner Sylvia Olive? Olive is such a gorgeous variant of Olivia and would make a pretty middle name for Sylvia. It would also be a way of both parties getting the name they love.

Wishing you all the best

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Congratulations first!

Agree with others. Naming this sweet babe is up to you and your partner, not your mom. I understand her interest and investment, but it isn’t her call. For similar reason, we have never told names until birth and won’t with this current either.

[name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] and [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] are too close IMO to be paired together. I have heard of [name_f]Alice[/name_f] and [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] the brand, but that’s about it. I wouldn’t automatically assume that! I actually know high school aged sisters names [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] and [name_f]Alice[/name_f]. I’ve always loved their names!! I think [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_f]Alice[/name_f] or [name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] works as perfect combination and compromise for you and your partner!!

Guess what: your mom’s opinion doesn’t matter. At all. Not even a little bit. So toss all her advice on this subject out the window.

Next up: this is a decision that you and your husband need to make together. He doesn’t get to say that the baby’s name will be [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] end of story. You don’t get to say her name will be [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] end of story. Y’all need to work together to decide what to name her.

Finally: Congrats on your baby. [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f], [name_f]Alice[/name_f], and [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] are all great names. Now just have an honest conversation with your husband (mom is not invited) and figure this out together. You got this.

I think [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_f]Sylvie[/name_f] could be cute too!

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She’s your baby—and your mom doesn’t get final say over her name. Easier written as a stranger than defended as a mother-to-be… but nonetheless very important.

[name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] is such a gorgeous name, as is [name_f]Alice[/name_f], and as is [name_f]Olivia[/name_f]! Can’t go wrong with any.

[name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] [name_f]Alice[/name_f] could be nicknamed [name_f]Sally[/name_f], [name_f]Via[/name_f], [name_f]Sissy[/name_f]?
[name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] could be [name_u]Allie[/name_u], [name_f]Lissy[/name_f], [name_f]Lolly[/name_f]?
[name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_f]Alice[/name_f] could be [name_f]Liv[/name_f], [name_u]Ollie[/name_u], [name_f]Via[/name_f], Leevy?

Perhaps a little nickname could comfortably bridge the gap.

[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! Congratulations for your baby girl!

I’m so sorry that you’re having a difficult time with the naming process. All the names that you and your partner like are stunning. Does your partner have any other favorites besides [name_f]Olivia[/name_f]? Would he truly consider your favorite names?
Unfortunately, everyone likes to share their opinion about baby names. Family, friends, co-workers and even strangers always have something to say. However, this is your baby girl! Her name must be something both you and your partner adore. You need to love her name! One day, when she asks you the story behind your name, you will want to share all the amazing reasons behind your choice. I’m sure you will not want to tell her that you avoided your absolute favorite names because someone interfered in your special decision.
Naming a baby is difficult and challenging, but you will find the perfect name for your daughter! Follow your heart and your instinct. Your family and friends will learn to love your baby girl and her name when they meet her.

I just wanted to add that [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] [name_f]Olive[/name_f] would be sweet!
[name_f]Clarisse[/name_f] is also similar sounding to [name_f]Alice[/name_f]. [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_f]Clarisse[/name_f] or [name_f]Clarissa[/name_f] [name_f]Olive[/name_f] would be gorgeous. Have you consider [name_f]Olympia[/name_f]?

I’m echoing other posters that this is your and your partner’s baby, not your mum’s. I would keep quiet about any potential names until baby is here and named, because it’s much harder for a grandmother (or anyone) to criticise a name once it belongs to a beautiful new baby.

I’m unclear whether you’re considering [name_f]Olivia[/name_f], [name_f]Alice[/name_f], [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] or [name_f]Isabel[/name_f] as first and middle names - eg you might name this baby [name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] - or are you using one of these names as a first and keeping the rest for a potential younger sister?

If it’s the first, I think it would be totally fine to use eg [name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] or [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_f]Alice[/name_f]. [name_u]Or[/name_u] [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] [name_f]Alice[/name_f], or [name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Isabel[/name_f]. [name_u]Or[/name_u] any combination except probably [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] and [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f], which do rhyme.

If it’s the second, I would concentrate on naming this baby and worry about future siblings if and when it happens.

Your and your partner’s styles are really not that far apart. You can either compromise on one of the names you like, or work out if there’s a different name that you might both like. Based on your current list, I want to suggest:

[name_f]Isabella[/name_f] (or maybe just Bella)


[name_u]Evelyn[/name_u] (or [name_f]Eve[/name_f] or Eva)

[name_f]Cecilia[/name_f] or [name_f]Cecily[/name_f]



How about [name_f]Olive[/name_f]?

I always thought [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] sounded like [name_u]Silver[/name_u].

[name_f]Alice[/name_f] Olivia’s sweet.

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Name the child what you and your husband want. The pair of you are having the baby, and no one else and their opinions matter.


I think [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] is a great name! If popularity doesn’t matter to you, then I say go for it. A lot of people use the name [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] because it is a great name. I like [name_f]Isabel[/name_f] as a middle name for it. [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_f]Isabel[/name_f] has a great sound to it. I don’t think it matters as much that both are popular names since she probably won’t use her middle name very often.

In regards to your mom, as others have said, this is YOUR baby. If it were me and my mom was giving overly harsh criticism of my baby names, I just wouldn’t tell her any more baby names. Focus on the names you and your partner like! We didn’t tell anyone my son’s name until he was born. We didn’t want outside influcence or other people’s opinions to cloud our judgement. I’m so happy we didn’t tell everyone because they all said they liked it when he was born even if they didn’t :sweat_smile:

I agree with what has been said… it is totally your decision to name your child.

[name_m]Just[/name_m] want to offer the following names that you might consider similar in feeling to [name_f]Olivia[/name_f].


Middle names I lik……
[name_f]Jane[/name_f], [name_f]Janet[/name_f]

Variant on [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] which works with [name_f]Alice[/name_f] is [name_f]Livia[/name_f]
[name_f]Livia[/name_f] [name_f]Alice[/name_f] is also slightly more left field.

I do know this store, in fact I’ve passed by it twice a day on my way to work for years. Still didn’t think of it when you mentioned the name, and even when you mentioned the store it took me a minute before going oh, that’s true, the store does have both these names. Honestly wouldn’t worry about that, you can probably find a store or something with any two names and it’s just a regular apparel store and two very classic (and gorgeous) names.

I just discovered that my two kids names together were the name of an actress from the silent movies period. Couldn’t care less.

[name_f]Alice[/name_f] [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] sounds great
[name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_f]Isabel[/name_f] is also really nice, and I don’t think their popularity is an issue