Felicity Jubilee, thoughts?

I’ve been crushing on [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] [name_f]Jubilee[/name_f] hard lately - it has such lovely sound imo, and it flows beautifully with surname. I also adore the meaning - “happy celebration” as, for me, the birth of a child would be exactly that - a happy celebration!

I just worry that the meaning may be a bit cheesy?

What do you think? Is the meaning ok?

Thank you!


I love it!!

Felicity is a gorgeous name and it sounds amazing with [name_f]Jubilee[/name_f]

The meaning is lovely, not cringy at all, and I don’t consider meaning as a big factor in names anyway, I can barely remember what my name means and I’m a massive name nerd!!

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I love that! I don’t think the meaning’s cheesy at all. Besides, the vast majority of people wouldn’t hear her name and go “oh, [name_f]Happy[/name_f] Celebration”, they would just hear the lovely name!

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I love it!!!

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My first thought was what a happy sounding name! I don’t think it would be seen as I don’t think it would be seen as cheesy at all, besides how often do you use your whole name.


very true!

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The meaning is beautiful! [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] [name_f]Jubilee[/name_f] isn’t my style but I feel it’s so perfect for you!

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I don’t think the meaning is too cheesy, but, tbh, I think the sound/flow is a little sing-songy. Still, if that doesn’t bother you, go for it! :slight_smile:

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felicity- Gorgeous!

Jubilee- No. TBH, this has a bit of an outlandish association. Like, it’s the kind of thing that you would name a bird. It seems like a real stage name to me. For another idea, what about [name_f]Julia[/name_f]/Julie?

Felicity [name_f]Jubilee[/name_f] is so bright and bubbly. It has zest and spark

I don’t actually like [name_f]Julia[/name_f] or [name_u]Julie[/name_u] as much. And as a middle name, I don’t mind that it’s outlandish, but thank you.

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I typically am not a fan of two -ee ending sounds in a combo, but I think they’re both long enough syllable wise that it doesn’t bother me as much in this combo and the meaning is just so happy. Plus, it fits your style so well!

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Well that is the happiest name meaning ever!

I like it. I like both names, separately and together. Especially [name_f]Jubilee[/name_f] – its quirkiness is part of the appeal for me, it feels whimsical but not too kooky.

I’m with @taylorhart on the double -ee endings grating on me a little bit, but since the stress is different in the two names I think it works in this case.


oh I love it!! [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] is simply gorgeous and whilst [name_f]Jubilee[/name_f] is not my style I can definitely see the appeal!! And I don’t think the meaning is too cheesy at all, happy meanings are the best!!


I don’t pay any attention to obscure name meanings. However, [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] clearly means happy and [name_f]Jubilee[/name_f] is clearly celebration. That would only bother me if you called her both regularly.

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I think the meaning is adorable. Iam not a big fan of the double ee ending though.

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It’s unlikely that I would call her both names outside of home/family, if I’m honest, but at home we may call her both names occasionally, almost as a pet name? But it wouldn’t be a constant thing by any means, and probably would only happen for the first few years. I do get that together though constantly, they would seem a bit much!

It’s a bit much for me personally, with the syllables / similar meanings.

However, if it’s your style and you love it, I say go for it!

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It’s a little on the nose for me but I think [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] and [name_f]Jubilee[/name_f] sound like they could be daughters of yours!