Felix Ulysees?

See the results of this poll: Which do you prefer

Respondents: 36 (This poll is closed)

  • Felix Ulysees : 19 (53%)
  • Felix James: 17 (47%)

I picked [name]Felix[/name] Ulysees but I would prefer the actual spelling [name]Ulysses[/name].

I think it has spunk and is unique, but [name]Ulysses[/name] is a familiar name still. I really like it!

Eek, can’t believe i didn’t check my spelling!!! I’m terrible for typing quickly when in work in case boss walks in :eek:

Rest assured i wouldn’t be changing the spelling if i did use it, can’t belive i typed it wrong 4 times and i can’t change the subject heading or poll so it will be here to haunt me forever!

Argh i’ve done it in my sig as well. I know how to spell it, my fingers seem to disagree!

I think that, while it has a lot of S going on, [name]Felix[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name] is much more interesting that [name]Felix[/name] [name]James[/name]! I don’t think you’d regret the riskier choice :slight_smile: And (for a loose connection), [name]James[/name] [name]Joyce[/name] wrote [name]Ulysses[/name] so it sort of honors another famous [name]James[/name], haha.

Heehee, i did say that to my husband about [name]James[/name] [name]Joyce[/name], and I know his parents have the book too so might even make the connection themselves, although it wasn’t intended.

Definitely [name]Felix[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name]! [name]Ulysses[/name] is so much more interesting and unexpected than [name]James[/name].

[name]Felix[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name] is an interesting choice, but his initials would be F.U.

I voted for [name]Felix[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name], but then I saw this about initals. I don’t think I could use FU for initials. Our last name starts with a C, so I won’t use any F names because I don’t like the initials FC.

Definitely [name]Felix[/name] [name]James[/name]!

But his initials wouldn’t just be F.U.–they’d be FU__, so if your last name starts with a C or a K, then no…but with any other letter, I think it’s ok. People in my old high school didn’t make much fun of kids for their initials (not at all in memory, but I won’t generalize when maybe it happened). My initials are ETG, for instance, and no one ever harassed me about “E.T. phone home” or eggs. Most of the time, you don’t know your classmates’ middle names anyway (esp. if you aren’t a big monogrammer). Maybe there will be a year in middle school when everyone is adding colorful language to their vocabularies and the FU thing surfaces, but I think people will grow up. That’s my two cents anyway :slight_smile:

I am personally not a big fan of [name]Felix[/name] so my vote would have gone to [name]Ulysses[/name] [name]James[/name] or [name]James[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name] had that been an option! Out of those two though I do prefer [name]Felix[/name] [name]James[/name], [name]Felix[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name] is nice but has a bit too many “s” sounds for my taste.

[name]Even[/name] though it was him that suggested [name]Ulysses[/name], hubby has said no to it, he prefers [name]Felix[/name] [name]James[/name].

Surname is an A so FUA doesn’t bother me. I’m not that bother about initial’s to be honest, I was CAC and it only got used as an insult for about 2 months in 4th year.

This child will be [name]FA[/name] if it’s a boy, so Sweet F.A. Maybe best to put the J for [name]James[/name] in.

I voted [name]Felix[/name] [name]James[/name], too. I’m all for using uncommon names on boys, but [name]Felix[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name] just seems like too much name to me. It seems a bit like a superhero name, if that makes sense. I am quite partial to family names, too, so [name]James[/name] seems like the clear winner for me. If it’s a family name, I personally wouldn’t care about how popular the name is in the MN spot. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name]! I actually have both [name]Felix[/name] [name]James[/name] and [name]Felix[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name] combos on my current name lists :slight_smile:

I like both [name]Felix[/name] and Ulysess. [name]Both[/name] have a very classical, unique sound! However, I really don’t like them together; I just think it’s a bit too much. [name]Felix[/name] [name]James[/name] has my vote:)