Female Scientist Name: Lamarr

My husband and I are expecting our first little one, and it’s a girl!

Both of us are in the science field, he’s an engineer and I’m a researcher in immunology.

We would like to name our little girl after a female scientist. Two people, we go back to are [name_f]Ada[/name_f] Lovelace and [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] [name_m]Lamarr[/name_m]. Though I like the name [name_f]Ada[/name_f], I don’t want our first child’s name starting with an ‘A’. I don’t want anyone thinking I’m going to follow my husband’s family theme of all kids’ names starting with ‘A’.

I think [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] is an interesting name but not a fan of [name_f]Hedwig[/name_f] (also not really sure how to pronounce it). I’m wondering if [name_m]Lamarr[/name_m] is a good girl’s name? It’s certainly unique, but I don’t know if it sounds odd.