Female Variations of George

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] everyone!

I’ve been trying to find for what seems like forever now, a girls name that honours the name [name_u]George[/name_u] that isn’t anything like [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] or [name_f]Georgina[/name_f]. [name_f]My[/name_f] mother’s name is [name_f]Georgette[/name_f] and as it is so uncommon she never loved it which makes me sad because I love names ending in “ette.” However I’m not too sure that her own name fits my naming style exactly but one day I would love to honour her and her name as it is a family name and she was named after her Grandfather. If you have any ideas or even know of newly created names or something you’ve created yourself that could honour [name_u]George[/name_u] I would love to hear anything! If it helps I love the names [name_f]Sofia[/name_f], [name_f]Josephine[/name_f], [name_f]Valerie[/name_f], [name_f]Alaina[/name_f], [name_f]Tessa[/name_f], [name_f]Hazel[/name_f], [name_f]Violet[/name_f], [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f]… that kind of style! Thank you!

What about [name_m]Geo[/name_m]/Gio, [name_f]Giovanna[/name_f]/e or [name_f]Gianna[/name_f]/e? I think [name_f]Josephine[/name_f] sounds similar too.

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How about [name_f]Georgiana[/name_f]/Georgeanna? Or [name_f]Gina[/name_f], which is a diminutive of [name_f]Georgina[/name_f].
You could also try an alternative spelling - [name_f]Jorja[/name_f].
They’re still pretty similar to [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] and [name_f]Georgina[/name_f] though, but possibly less common

I love [name_u]Georgie[/name_u] on a girl.

Some are a bit of a stretch but…


What if you honored [name_f]Georgette[/name_f] with another “ette” name?

Gia’s an idea.

Just thought of [name_u]Jodi[/name_u], [name_f]Jolene[/name_f] and [name_u]Jori[/name_u].


Have you considered using names that have the same or similar meaning as [name_u]George[/name_u]?

[name_u]George[/name_u] means “farmer” or also “earthworker,” according to Behind the Name.

Names with “farm” in their meaning:

  • [name_u]Ashby[/name_u]: means “ash tree farm”
  • [name_u]Kelby[/name_u]: means “dweller at the farm by the stream”
  • [name_u]Rigby[/name_u]: means “ridge farm”
  • [name_f]Teigen[/name_f]: means “strip of land; the farmland”
  • [name_f]Wellesley[/name_f]: means “the farm among the willows”
  • Willougby: means “farm near the willows”

More indirectly farm-related:

  • [name_u]Baylor[/name_u]: means “horse trainer”
  • [name_f]Eachna[/name_f]: means “horse”
  • Eowny: means “horse lover”
  • [name_f]Epona[/name_f]: means “horse”
  • [name_f]Fabia[/name_f]/Fabiana/Fabienne: all meaning “bean grower”
  • [name_u]Hopper[/name_u]: means “hop grower” or also “leaper” or “dancer”
  • [name_u]Kori[/name_u]: means “lamb”
  • [name_f]Merona[/name_f]: is a breed of sheep
  • [name_f]Oanez[/name_f]: means “lamb”
  • [name_f]Oona[/name_f]/Una: means “lamb” or “one”
  • [name_f]Ovidia[/name_f]: means “shepherd” or “sheep”
  • [name_f]Philippa[/name_f]/Philippine/Pippa/Pippi: means “lover of horses”
  • [name_f]Rapunzel[/name_f]: means “lamb’s lettuce” or “rampion”
  • [name_f]Rosamond[/name_f]/Rosamund: means “horse protection”
  • [name_f]Senta[/name_f]: means “to grow”
  • [name_f]Wanda[/name_f]: means “shepherdess” or “wanderer”
  • [name_f]Xanthipe[/name_f]/Xanthippe/Xanthippi: means “yellow horse”

Names with “earth” in their meaning:

  • [name_f]Adamina[/name_f]: means “child of the red earth”
  • [name_f]Afra[/name_f]: means “color of earth/dust”
  • [name_f]Avani[/name_f]: means “the good earth”
  • [name_f]Chamomile[/name_f]: means “earth apple”
  • [name_u]Demeter[/name_u]/Demetria: means “earth mother”
  • [name_f]Dhara[/name_f]: means “the earth”
  • [name_f]Eartha[/name_f]: means “earth”
  • [name_f]Gaia[/name_f]: means “earth mother”
  • [name_f]Hermione[/name_f]: means “earthly” or “messenger”
  • [name_f]Ilesha[/name_f]: means “earth lord”
  • [name_f]Sena[/name_f]: means “bringing heaven to earth” or “this world’s beauty or grace” or “army” or “to praise”
  • [name_f]Terra[/name_f]/Tierra: means “earth”

I also think you could probably go with any other nature/plant/floral names to get at the earthworker/farmer essence of the name.

I hope this helps!

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I would suggest [name_f]Jordana[/name_f].

It’s a shame your mom doesn’t like [name_f]Georgette[/name_f]. I think it’s so sassy and upbeat. What about [name_f]Etta[/name_f] to honor [name_f]Georgette[/name_f]?