[name]Antonia[/name]- immediately think of [name]Marie[/name] [name]Antoinette[/name] as that was her birth name. A bit girly for my taste but not horrible.
[name]Petra[/name]- I like that it’s a little exotic but not too out there.
[name]Alberta[/name]- being a Canadian I automatically think of the province.
[name]Justine[/name]- I know a [name]Justine[/name]- she’s adorable! Not my favourite name ever but it’s sweet.
[name]Charlotte[/name]- a name I’ve always loved. It’s classic and elegant.
[name]Cassia[/name]- honestly, I prefer [name]Cassidy[/name].
[name]Alexandria[/name]- just meh to me. I like it better than plain [name]Alexandra[/name] though.
[name]Georgina[/name]- I like this name, but I really prefer [name]Georgia[/name]. It’s fresher to me.
[name]Octavia[/name]- I think of the character in The Hunger Games. I find it old and futuristic at the same time.
[name]Augusta[/name]- too old-fashioned for my taste.
[name]Willa[/name]- it’s all right but I prefer [name]Willow[/name].
I love feminizations, my name is [name]Danielle[/name]
[name]Antonia[/name] - [name]Love[/name] it
[name]Petra[/name] - Assuming it pron. Pee-trah I like it.
[name]Alberta[/name] - Hmm, how about [name]Roberta[/name]? The “[name]Al[/name]” peeves me a little.
[name]Justine[/name] - [name]Love[/name] it.
[name]Charlotte[/name] - I often forget it’s a feminine version of [name]Charlie[/name]/[name]Charles[/name]. I like it.
[name]Cassia[/name] - I like it pron. [name]Cas[/name]-see-yah not [name]Cash[/name]-uh.
[name]Alexandria[/name] - I like it.
[name]Georgina[/name] - [name]Love[/name]!
[name]Octavia[/name] - Has a foreign feel to it. Nms.
[name]Augusta[/name] - Same feel as [name]Octavia[/name]. Nms.
[name]Willa[/name] - Like it but I like [name]Wilma[/name] better.
Here are some other feminizations:
[name]Antonia[/name] - I love this name! Reminds me of My [name]Antonia[/name] by [name]Willa[/name] Cather. Would you pronounce it Ahn-toe-NEE-a? I think it’s really pretty that way.
[name]Petra[/name] - I can see the appeal, but it’s nms.
[name]Alberta[/name] - This feels like a place name to me.
[name]Justine[/name] - Sounds dated to me.
[name]Charlotte[/name] - I like this.
[name]Cassia[/name] - I really like this name! I prefer the pronunciation [name]Cass[/name]-ee-uh. And the nn [name]Cassie[/name] would be cute.
[name]Alexandria[/name] - Seems too long
[name]Georgina[/name] - I like [name]Georgiana[/name] better.
[name]Octavia[/name] - Nms
[name]Augusta[/name] - nms
[name]Willa[/name] - I love this!
[name]Antonia[/name] - It’s okay.
[name]Petra[/name] - [name]Love[/name].
[name]Alberta[/name] - Dislike.
[name]Justine[/name] - Dislike
[name]Charlotte[/name] - Like, but not really interesting.
[name]Cassia[/name] - [name]Love[/name]
[name]Alexandria[/name] - Prefer [name]Alexandra[/name] or [name]Alexandrina[/name] to this one, which feels like a place name, and I hate place names.
[name]Georgina[/name] - Prefer [name]Georgiana[/name], it has a softer sound. Or [name]Georgia[/name], which feels less harsh minus the “een” sound.
[name]Octavia[/name] - Like
[name]Augusta[/name] - Like.
[name]Willa[/name] - Like.
[name]Caroline[/name], [name]Arielle[/name], [name]Simone[/name], [name]Thomasin[/name], [name]Joelle[/name], and [name]Raphaela[/name] are probably my favourite feminizations that aren’t here, plus maybe the clunky-cool [name]Benjamina[/name] and the obscure [name]Emmanuela[/name].
[name]LOVE[/name] [name]Cassia[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Georgina[/name] (although I vastly prefer [name]Georgiana[/name]), and [name]Willa[/name]. [name]Augusta[/name] is nice, but not really my style, and the others don’t really appeal to me.
I recently came across [name]Adamina[/name] and that’s one of my favorite feminizations lately. I just love it. [name]Adamina[/name], [name]Adamina[/name], [name]Adamina[/name]. It’s fun to say, haha.
[name]Antonia[/name] - I like this! Sweet and underused.
[name]Petra[/name] - This is underused as well; though I can only imagine a strong-willed girl with the name.
[name]Alberta[/name] - [name]Don[/name]'t like it.
[name]Justine[/name] - Nice but not my style.
[name]Charlotte[/name] - Sweet and I love [name]Lottie[/name].
[name]Cassia[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name]!!! I can’t decide which pronunciation I like best.
[name]Alexandria[/name] - Nice but not my style.
[name]Georgina[/name] - I love [name]George[/name]'s girl forms! I think they are all sweet and sophisticated.
[name]Octavia[/name] - I think of the Hunger Games. Not my style.
[name]Augusta[/name] - This is alright.
[name]Willa[/name] - I prefer [name]Willow[/name].
From previous posters’ lists (who have great suggestions!) I liked:
[name]Josephine[/name] / [name]Josephina[/name]
[name]Petra[/name] - beautiful and modern and classy
[name]Charlotte[/name] - lovely, and so old it doesn’t even seem like a feminization any longer
[name]Cassia[/name] - pretty, seems a bit trendy though
[name]Octavia[/name] - interesting and different, again it’s so old that it doesn’t seem feminized
[name]Willa[/name] - meh, it’s definitely better than [name]Wilhelmina[/name], but it’s not one I really like either
[name]Justine[/name] - meh, don’t detest it but not something I really like either
[name]Antonia[/name] - don’t like, sounds very ethnic to me.
[name]Augusta[/name] - I don’t like it. I don’t mind [name]Augustine[/name] on a boy, but [name]August[/name] or [name]Augusta[/name] just feel weird to me
[name]Alberta[/name] - I just hear the city name, and I don’t like the name [name]Albert[/name] at all so feminizing it doesn’t improve it
[name]Alexandria[/name] - I’m not fond of any of the [name]Alex[/name] names, just nms
[name]Georgina[/name] - bleh, I’ve never liked this one or [name]Henrietta[/name] or [name]Harriet[/name] or [name]Roberta[/name]
[name]Antonia[/name] - really pretty, plus [name]Annie[/name] would be a cute nn.
[name]Petra[/name] - not a fan, feels incomplete to me.
[name]Alberta[/name] - sounds too oldfashioned, prefer [name]Roberta[/name]
[name]Justine[/name] - not bad
[name]Charlotte[/name] - classic and gorgeous
[name]Cassia[/name] - prefer [name]Cassandra[/name]
[name]Alexandria[/name] - too fussy for me, prefer [name]Alexandra[/name],
[name]Georgina[/name] - nice to see this being considered rather than the overly frilly [name]Georgiana[/name] and the mega-popular [name]Georgia[/name].
[name]Octavia[/name] - not keen, sounds harsh.
[name]Augusta[/name] - don’t like, though I don’t like the male versions either.
[name]Willa[/name] - don’t understand why it’s so popular on here, much prefer [name]Willow[/name]
[name]Georgina[/name] ([name]LOVE[/name] [name]Georgia[/name] though.)
[name]Charlotte[/name] (I don’t really like [name]Charlotte[/name] in itself, but I love the nickname [name]Lottie[/name].)
[name]Antonia[/name] (Although I think I might just dislike it because of bad associations.)
Not expecting, just fixing my list. What do you think of these feminizations?
[name]Antonia[/name] -nms
[name]Petra[/name] -nms
[name]Alberta[/name] - province, or an old lady
[name]Justine[/name] - 70s
[name]Charlotte[/name] - like very much
[name]Cassia[/name] - ok
[name]Alexandria[/name] - a little 80s, but pretty. Not a huge fan of the [name]Alex[/name]- girl names.
[name]Georgina[/name] - love.
[name]Octavia[/name] -ok
[name]Augusta[/name] -dislike. Doesn’t have a pretty sound
[name]Willa[/name] - never been a fan of this.