Fenyx Deklan Cruz Gillespie

ok so the Fenyx is a spelling flare on the traditional [name]Phoenix[/name] - i wanted something a little more unusual and rugged/rocker-ish. something that is manly & strong.
the meaning basically boils down to “rebirth by fire” - and we are christian believers , so that has substantial meaning to me & the hubs :slight_smile:

i LOVED both of these middle names Deklan & [name]Cruz[/name] and couldn’t decide, so finally settled on [name]BOTH[/name]! lol they flow well to me though, so it’s an easy transition in my opinion. i’ve never been a fan of Loooong names but i’m just in love with all of these.

traditional spelling [name]Declan[/name] was misleading as far as pronunciation goes to me, and i always wanted to say “dee-clan”…but the “Dek” spelling seems to keep me straight and say “Deck-Lan” :)) Deklan means “full of goodness”…and we believe our baby boy will be consumed with goodness and kindness because that’s what we plan on teaching him!

lastly, [name]Cruz[/name]…I just love the modern & simple ‘wow’ factor it brings. The meaning of [name]Cruz[/name] is “bearer of the [name]Cross[/name] of [name]Christ[/name]” :slight_smile:

our last name is [name]Gillespie[/name].

my hubby still isn’t fully convinced of this full name. he’s kinda like i was…it’s too long! but something about it just makes me smile when i say it. i’ve been playing with baby names since i was in 6th grade in junior high! i’m now almost 29 years old. hubby is 36. this will be our first child. not prego yet…taking my first round of clomid right now. i had PCOS most all of my life and have recently lost 130 lbs due to weight loss surgery and now no longer have PCOS…so we are getting things lined out and ready to start our lil family and we are beyond excited. we have been married for almost 7 years. been “trying” since year 2 but with no medical help. just doing what we knew to do…haha. i have a gut feeling it’s coming soon though - so i’m researching and preparing now.

let me know what you think of the overall flow of the name and your views on the meaning. also if you have any other ideas, feel free to share!

Please, please, please spell [name]Phoenix[/name] correctly. Fenyx is awful and does not make the name more unusual, manly, rugged, etc. It just looks like you can’t spell. [name]Phoenix[/name] is not traditional and does not need a “spelling flare.”

[name]Phoenix[/name] Deklan [name]Cruz[/name] is okay but not my style at all. Deklan’s meaning is unknown; any source that claims to have an exact meaning is lying. So if you are choosing that name solely for the meaning, I would go ahead and strike it off the list. I think [name]Phoenix[/name] [name]Cruz[/name] sounds better anyway.

I absolutely [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Phoenix[/name] [name]Declan[/name] [name]Cruz[/name] (spelled like this). The name is definitely both rugged AND meaningful, but spelled properly, it will also look manly and appropriate on say…resumes, wedding invitations, business cards etc in the future.

I really really love the flow, the reasons you chose the names, and the over-all combination! I have a feeling you’ll get similar reactions from others on here. It’s a great name, and it’s really cool and unique! I also don’t think it’s too long at all. You have a fabulous name here - my ONLY advice is to reconsider spelling - seriously, it’ll cause headaches for you and for him!

Good luck starting your family!!

this exactly.

I agree with this poster.

To add to what others have said, I want to note that when I read Fenyx, I pronounced it “Feh-nix,” not “[name]Fee[/name]-nix.” If I’m understanding you correctly, you want Fenyx to be pronounced just as [name]Phoenix[/name] would be said. If that’s the case, stick with the traditional spelling. People know how to pronounce [name]Phoenix[/name]; Fenyx will cause confusion.

Same thing for [name]Declan[/name]. Spelling it Deklan doen’t help with pronunciation, [name]IMO[/name]. I think most will know that [name]Declan[/name] should be said “Deck-lan” rather than “Deek-lan.”

I didn’t even recongize that Fenyx was supposed to be an alternate spelling of [name]Phoenix[/name] until I read your explanation. My inclination is NOT to pronounce them the same way. Like other posters have said, I think you should go with the original [name]Phoenix[/name] spelling.

Yeah, I agree on the spelling of [name]Phoenix[/name]. I thought Fenyx was supposed to be pronounced like “Fehn-necks,” as in “fennec fox.” [name]Phoenix[/name] is already a very modern, nontraditional, rugged name as it is- it doesn’t need a spelling change, especially one used by [name]Jack[/name] [name]Black[/name]'s band as a joke.

I personally find it a bit strange that you’re using “phoenix” to honor a [name]Christian[/name] religious tradition. Phoenixes come from ancient mythological traditions- namely Egyptian and Greek, with corresponding creatures in several other ancient religions. I think the concept of rebirth from ones’ own ashes is very [name]Christian[/name] and a great inspiration for a name, but I wouldn’t associate the [name]Phoenix[/name] too closely with Christianity. I would associate [name]Cruz[/name] with Christianity- it literally means “cross” in Spanish, not “Bearer of the cross of [name]Christ[/name].” [name]Just[/name] “cross.”

I think the classic spelling of [name]Declan[/name] is very straightforward and looks much classier than Deklan. I really like the name [name]Phoenix[/name] [name]Declan[/name] [name]Cruz[/name], but I think it looks quite odd with the alternate spellings you’ve chosen.

I agree, you should spell it [name]Phoenix[/name] if you are pronouncing it that way, or everyone will forever mispronounce his name and it may get pretty ridiculous. [name]Phoenix[/name] [name]Declan[/name] (spelled this way) [name]Cruz[/name] looks better to me, but like someone else said [name]Phoenix[/name] [name]Cruz[/name] looks and sounds better. [name]Phoenix[/name] isn’t my style at all, but if you like it I would recommend spelling it the normal way.

If you hadn’t mentioned [name]Phoenix[/name], I would have thought Fenyx was pronounced Fenn-yx, which emphasis on the short first syllable. Decklan is awful when spelled that way. [name]Phoenix[/name] [name]Declan[/name] [name]Cruz[/name] would be cool.

I clicked on this post, assuming it was a joke. [name]Pheonix[/name] [name]Declan[/name] [name]Cruz[/name] is very cool. Fenyx Deklan is unspeakably awful, trashy, and just plain wrong.

I have to agree with [name]Clover[/name] and most of the other posters. Frankly, I don’t like the name ([name]Declan[/name] is fine on its own though), but if you’re really going to use it, I would spell it the right way. It will stand out with any spelling!

Agree with above, although slightly harsh. I agree that I hate Youneek spelling, it does make you appear to be illiterate.

Agree with above, although slightly harsh. I agree that I hate Youneek spelling, it does make you appear to be illiterate.

I also agree with all the posts, [name]Phoenix[/name] and [name]Declan[/name] are great names but I like them the way they were meant to be spelled. Much less confusing.

[name]Phoenix[/name] [name]Declan[/name] [name]Cruz[/name] is a great name. When you butcher the spelling like Fenyx Decklan it looks like one huge typo. And the kid will be correcting the spelling for the rest of his life. The name is unique enough on its own. No need to butcher the spelling :confused:

i’m going to get on the “use the normal spellings” wagon. those names are not so uncommon and unrecognizable that people will have trouble pronouncing them when spelled properly - and the kreatyve ones are actually misleading and off-putting.

I think the name [name]Phoenix[/name] [name]Declan[/name] [name]Cruz[/name] is a very cool name; but like previous posters I agree that you should spell it the regular way. I think [name]Phoenix[/name] is already very rugged and modern AND people know how to say it. I think Fenyx would be pronounced like “fen-icks” and it looks made-up. I’m sorry if you really do love the name but thats my own opinion.
About the name Deklan; the spelling is not a major issue for me but i like the spelling [name]Declan[/name] better. I dont think the pronunciation will be a big issue but what about spelling it Decklan?
The other middle name [name]Cruz[/name] i think is very cool and modern! All together I think you have a very interesting and original name I just think your spelling was a bit odd.

I like your style and I wish you the best of luck with your future family!

wow! well i really appreciate all the input. never thought it would get this much feedback, but it is welcomed. i totally see all your points on keeping with original spellings. my hubby loved the original spelling also :slight_smile: i just really want a different and unique but not stupid and meaningless name.

as far as the meanings go, i realized phoenix is myth-related and assumedly you wouldn’t relate it to Christianity…but this is the website where i got a lot of the meaning of the word from, from numerous stand points:


i think i’ll take heed to what you all have shared and stick with traditional. makes more sense, especailly as he gets older and has to deal with jobs & such like the one member mentioned. great point!

thanks again for your help…it was super insightful.

  • nikki


I do not like Fenyx at all. [name]Phoenix[/name] is legitmate, Fenyx I can’t get behind.