All throughout this pregnancy we have thought we’d name our daughter [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Violet[/name]. A few weeks ago we fell in love with the name [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Eve[/name]. It felt more “right”. We ended up sharing it with our parents only and my mom doesn’t like it. it affects me more than I thought. (please no scolding about us telling! Our family is opinionated enough they would’ve said it after the baby was born too.)
What I would appreciate honest opinions on is do you like [name]Georgia[/name]? [name]Do[/name] you think it’s a name that could grow on people? Or is [name]Sloane[/name] a neater choice? I just want some outside input. I would never want to give our daughter a name that’s hard to love.
I really much prefer [name]Georgia[/name] over [name]Sloane[/name]. For me [name]Sloane[/name] does not sound like a girl name (although I will admit that [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Violet[/name] it a great sounding combo), whereas [name]Georgia[/name] very much does, and it’s very pretty to boot! I wouldn’t let your mom’s opinion sway you if you and your husband both love it, as it’s not her baby to name. She had her turn, now it’s yours!
[name]Georgia[/name] is gorgeous (and see, the two practically rhyme!). I think most people would love [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Eve[/name]. I dislike the name [name]Sloane[/name], it’s just very unattractive to me.
I prefer [name]Georgia[/name], it’s popular in my area but not without reason; it’s very pretty. [name]Sloane[/name] sounds like ‘slow’ to me, so I just picture a snail or a slow-moving car.
I like [name]Georgia[/name] a lot better than [name]Sloane[/name]. [name]Sloane[/name] just feels a bit snooty I guess. [name]Georgia[/name] also has great nn potential like [name]Georgie[/name] and [name]GiGi[/name]. I also agree with gigigibbons that it is your baby to name. My mom doesn’t like any name I pick out, but she likes my son’s name just fine now. I just have to keep telling myself that this is my baby to name, not hers. She got to pick her favorite baby names a long time ago. I know your dilemma though, it can be hard to stick with a name when your mother is clearly against it. She’ll get over it eventually. [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Eve[/name] is very pretty. Makes me think of warm summer nights with crickets and fireflies.
Well I’ll go against the grain here and say I prefer [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Violet[/name], normally I’d agree that names like [name]Sloane[/name] aren’t very feminine but I love [name]Sloane[/name], I don’t particularly like the name [name]Georgia[/name] much at all though [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Eve[/name] is a pretty combination I just prefer [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Violet[/name] but it’s your child and your choice so whichever name you decide will be perfect for your daughter & I’m sure your family will grow used to either and love her.
Thank you all! Very helpful and mostly encouraging to see that it is well-received. I guess my mom will grow to adapt to it. I mainly hope our daughter likes her name and would never want to choose a name that would provoke a negative reaction from a large majority of people. [name]Georgia[/name] doesn’t seem at risk of this based on your responses, and that helps me to sigh a deep sigh of relief!
@ lori johnson - I like the descriptions on these! I feel they are certainly accurate. I have Beyond [name]Ava[/name] and [name]Aidan[/name] but not the [name]Baby[/name] Name Bible so thanks for posting this.
@ whit32 - summer nights with crickets and fireflies, a? perfection!
I want to reassure you that Georgia is a fantastic choice. I think that a child named Georgia would be a lucky girl.
I love Georgia Eve and I think that this is a very classy choice but if you want a little bit of vintage chic and if you still love Violet then Georgia Violet is a pretty name too.
I am sorry I agree with most on this thread do not use Sloane, to one nameberry it depicts someone who is slow and to me I can’t get the word slug as in snail out of my head with this name.
[name]Georgia[/name] is a beautiful name, have you considered it with [name]Sloane[/name]? I think [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Sloane[/name] is pretty but [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Eve[/name] is also a great choice! Go with what you love, your family will come around to it
I like both but they give different images.
[name]Sloane[/name] sounds like a sophisticated woman, [name]Georgia[/name] sounds like a sweet girl
[name]Georgia[/name] [name]Eve[/name] makes me think of [name]Summer[/name]'s [name]Eve[/name] (feminine products)
And I value other people’s opinions, especially my mom. Sometimes others see things that you don’t. Does Mom prefer [name]Sloane[/name] over [name]Georgia[/name] or have you not told her about [name]Sloane[/name]?
I’m not sure if she prefers it, but I know [name]Sloane[/name] grew on her. She mainly dislikes [name]Georgia[/name] because she doesn’t like the name [name]George[/name] or the nickname [name]Georgie[/name]. I also try to remind myself she has a very trendy naming style and likes [name]Brooklyn[/name], [name]Kenzie[/name], etc… And that is not my style so I have to consider the source! Although I mentioned it bothered me, I know shell come around. My main concern was that the majority of people would feel as she does.
I love the name [name]Georgia[/name]. I think it’s a beautiful name that fits all ages and you can go with the nn [name]Georgie[/name] or [name]Gee[/name]. Plus it’s perfect with [name]Eve[/name] as a middle name. I like the name [name]Sloane[/name], but my feeling is that it’s more of a boy’s name than a girl’s…
I think that while it’s important for your family to like a name, it’s more important that YOU love the name. If you feel that you prefer the name [name]Georgia[/name] to [name]Sloane[/name], then your family will get used to it. For example, my grandmother had issues with the name my parents picked for my brother, but now after twelve years she’s got no problems with it. Go with what you want and your family will follow suit.
[name]Georgia[/name] is a classic choice, I like [name]Gigi[/name] and [name]Georgie[/name] as nn but agree with your mum that [name]George[/name] as a nn should be kept for the lads.
I agree with rollo’s suggestion [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Violet[/name] is extra pretty. [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Sloane[/name] works too. If you really still like [name]Sloane[/name] maybe keep it ‘on ice’ for another baby though. Oh, and I am glad [name]Georgia[/name] has the traditional spelling- I know a [name]Jorja[/name].
I like [name]Georgia[/name] much better than [name]Sloane[/name]. [name]Sloane[/name] does not sound feminine to me, and also a bit snooty. I love [name]Violet[/name], though.
I didn’t read any other replies, so sorry if I repeat anything.
I definitely prefer [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Eve[/name]. It’s much more feminine and flows really well. [name]Sloane[/name] sounds very masculine to me even though I do like the name. I don’t tell family/friends my name choices for this very reason, I don’t want any negative feedback. It’s your baby and they have absolutely no say in what her name is!! Your mother got to choose your name, now it’s your turn to choose YOUR babies name!
[name]Georgia[/name] [name]Eve[/name] is a beautiful name. Honestly I find [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Violet[/name] to be atrocious so I’m really hoping you go with [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Eve[/name]. My mom doesn’t like my second daughter’s name or the way we spelled my first daughter’s name so my advice is to ignore your mother. The only opinions that truly matters are yours and your husband’s.
I do think the sound of [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Violet[/name] is pretty! We went with a short middle because our last name is long. [name]Violet[/name] is a good one to tuck away as a candidate for a future daughter name!
I really don’t think you could go wrong either way, both [name]Georgia[/name] and [name]Sloane[/name] are great choices, and both combinations sound good, although I do prefer the sound of [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Violet[/name] to [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Eve[/name].