Fierce names

[name_m]Hi[/name_m], so i’m looking for a fierce first name. It’s actually for my pen name. For the last name i already have Fèlicie and i want a fierce first name to balance it.

[name_f]Do[/name_f] you guys have any suggestion?

P.s sorry for the bad english

Are you looking for masculine or feminine names? I included a little bit of both…

Aslan “lion”
[name_f]Azar[/name_f] “fire”
Charon “fierce brightness”
[name_m]Dante[/name_m] “enduring”
[name_f]Marcella[/name_f] “warlike”
[name_f]Morrigan[/name_f] “great queen”
[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] “brave/strong”

Is this anything like what your after?

I do not know the male/female ratio of NB but I will list female names

Adivar - She is a Turkish writer also a soldier
Alanguva - mythological figure from one of the most important legends of Turkic peoples

Alev - means flame

Asena - She [name_m]Wolf[/name_m], mother of Turks, great princess, gave name to Ashina clan who founded Gokturk Empire

Diellza - means sun in Albanian

Ansaneri - Lazuri, means rebel

Paluri - Lazuri, means flame

Akuande, Janserey, Ridade and Adiyef - names from Circassian mythology/history

Setenay - [name_f]Sun[/name_f] [name_f]Goddess[/name_f]

I know it is not enough but I do not have chances for talk about these names.