Cianan is most definitely my favourite. It’s handsome, historic, and yet has a fresh appeal to it. It has a great sound to it too and Irish names are hot now.
[name]Cason[/name] (or any spelling thereof) would be my least favourite as there as several -ason names ([name]Jason[/name], [name]Mason[/name] etc) as well as the multitude of -ayden names ([name]Caden[/name], [name]Jaden[/name], [name]Aiden[/name] etc) so it looks the least ‘fresh’ and, out of all the choices, would fade in to the background amongst all the other similar-sounding names.
[name]Canaan[/name] is interesting, but rather heavy going and you may have spelling issues.
I personally like [name]Cason[/name]/[name]Casen[/name]. We considered it as an alternative to [name]Mason[/name]. I like the -on spelling the best…
I really like how [name]Cason[/name] [name]David[/name] sounds…to me, it’s a good mix of a more “modern/contemporary” name with a more traditional name.
In my opinion, I think that [name]Canaan[/name] would provide spelling issues and Cianan would provide pronounciation issues. (As a teacher, I would honestly have no clue how to pronounce that on the first day, and that can be embarassing for students…)
[name]Cason[/name]/[name]Casen[/name]/[name]Cayson[/name]/Cassen ~ thoughts on spelling would be nice.
Cianan~ pronounced Kee-nan and is the ORIGINAL spelling od the name.
My vote goes to [name]Cason[/name]. That spelling first, then [name]Cayson[/name]. To me the “e” is more feminine and I would pronounce Cassen like [name]Cassie[/name]. This name may be a little more “modern” sounding, but I do like it the best. You would constantly be correcting spelling and pronunciation with the other two. I can see the charm of Cianan if you are a name lover, but very few people would get that right even after being told how to say it!
So then, my second choice would be [name]Canaan[/name].
Cianan [name]David[/name] sounds the best. Simple as that. [name]Both[/name] Casan and [name]Canaan[/name] have the same vowel sound as [name]David[/name], which throws both names off…