Finally - the perfect name for us... we think!?!

So now we just need to settle on a BOYS name!!! But we’ll revel in the victory of sorting this one out before we go back to that! Wow, naming a person is a BIG job.

Congratulations on choosing such a beautiful name! In addition to the beauty of the actual name is all of the time and thought you’ve put into finding the perfect name for this welcomed little one.

[name]Just[/name] wanted to say that we certainly don’t all need to agree with each other - otherwise there wouldn’t be a need for the blog! But I appreciate that, in the main, Nameberry subscribers offer constructive, honest feedback in an appropriate way.

Again, congratulations on finding ‘the one’! I’ll be elated when we finally get to that point! :smiley:

  • [name]Polly[/name]

I just wanted to chime in! I know this isn’t necessary because you seem to have already decided, but I think [name]Lilibeth[/name] [name]Louise[/name] [name]Jordan[/name], nn [name]Betty[/name] is absolutely perfect! I would love to be named that! Congratulations!