All names belong to people buried in cemeteries on the Isle of Anglesey, Wales. The list includes combos I liked as well as some unique or interesting finds.
Also, any nicknames included are listed in parentheses and I included some birth years for names that seem “ahead of their time”. Enjoy!
DH (70): Edward Kyffin, Pierce Morgan, Gwilym Ellis, William John George, Evan Emrys [Ray, Blair, Cummings, Faulkner, Drew]
-DexW (66): Jess Elizabeth (born 1926), Jane Lucy, Amelia Sophia, Kate Olwen, Annie Eirlys (AYR-lis)
–DS (40): Ivor Owen, Ellis John, Wyndham Nicholas, William Amos, Thomas Russell
–DD (37): Vera Wynn, Beatrice Rose, Mary Lydia, Clara Lilian, Selina Katherine
–DD (35): Vida Beatrice, Catherine Blodwen, Laura Grace, Mona Rosamond Alice, Emma Myfanwy (ma-VAHN-wee)
-DW (60): Margaret Rosina, Iola, Jennie Catherine, Edith Violet, Minna
–DS (29): Elias Wynne, John Christmas, Gwilym Gabriel, Ellis Owen, William Pierce
DS (40):
-DW (39): Annie Sarah, Grace Myfanwy, Gwendolyne Margaret, Ryisa, Ellen Ceridwen (keh-RID-wen)
–DS (9): Levison (“Lev”), Alexander William, Peter Henry, Frank Claude, George Arthur
–DS (7): Evan Selwyn, Charles Fletcher, Dafydd (DAV-ith) John, Eifion (AYV-yawn), Myrddin (MUR-thin) Emrys
–DD (4): Alice Isabelle, Eirwen (AYR-wen or IRE-wen), Charlotte Mary, Ella Rose, Mary Grace
DD (37):
-DH (40): John Owen, Phillip Lewis, Emyr (EM-eer) Owain, Richard Madoc, Matthew Henry [Grey, Oliver, McKinley, Lesley, Gregory]
–DS (5): Richard Forrest, John Alick Rees, William Charles Lee, Francis Henry, Owen John Augustus
–DS (3): Edgar David, Thomas Ivor, Augustus Elliott, Glyn Griffith, Evan Samuel
DD (35):
-DexH (35): Edmund Stanislaw, Haydn Wolff, Ifor Wyn, Frederik Theophil Henrik, Robert Arthur [Kijek, Joyner, Perry, Averesch, Platt]
–DD (10): Ada Florence, Evelyn Maud, Coral Rose, Catherine Sarah, Mary Elin
–DD (5): Rose Ellen, Gwendoline Audrey, Gwyneth Rhiannon, Isabel Sarah, Adina Helena
–DS (2): Hugh Aubrey, John Pierce, Charles Henry Alexander, William Lewis, Harry Turner
DS (29):
-DH (32): Hwfa (HOO-va), Robert Victor Owen, Lawrence Hugh, Trevor Madoc (born 1891), Isaac Griffith [Terry, Clay, Michaels, Conrad, Temple]