
I love the name [name]Finn[/name], but all the other names I love are definitely more classic. Is [name]Finn[/name] classic or trendy?

I love [name]Finn[/name], I think it’s a name that ages well. It came up more than once when we were expecting our son. In the past few years, though, I’ve met at least six little boys with the name. If I were to use it now, I would probably go with [name]Finley[/name] and call him by his full name.

I agree with the other posters: love the name [name]Finn[/name], but it is getting quite popular (for boys AND girls!).

Another poster suggested using the full name [name]Finley[/name]. Could also use [name]FINNIAN[/name].

While it is getting popular, I still think it has a definite classic feel to it, especially if it is a nn for something else - [name]Finnian[/name], [name]Finley[/name], [name]Finnigan[/name] …

[name]Love[/name] [name]Finn[/name] and seriously considered it for one of my three sons, but husband (ex) vetoed it at the time.

I would use [name]Finnian[/name] or [name]Finlay[/name] (the Scottish spelling) and use [name]Finn[/name] as a nickname. Or [name]Finbar[/name]. [name]Finn[/name] possibilities are endless!

[name]How[/name] about [name]Flynn[/name]?

While I like [name]Flynn[/name], I love [name]Finn[/name], and only [name]Finn[/name]. I’m not really crazy about [name]Finley[/name], [name]Finnegan[/name], or [name]Finbar[/name]. The only ones that I might (emphasis on might) consider would be [name]Finnian[/name] or [name]Griffin[/name]. I just worry that [name]Finn[/name] is not as classic as some of my other favorites.

I think, if you mostly like very classic names, using [name]Finn[/name] or any other nn name would make him the odd one out. So I suppose it’s all about how much you love [name]Finn[/name] in relation to how much you don’t like [name]Finnian[/name] or [name]Griffin[/name]. While he may always go by [name]Finn[/name], it is important that you are at least okay with his full name, as it will be on official documents, and he may even (probably not, as [name]Finn[/name] is a very good nn and not cutesy at all, but you never know) revert to it when he is older.

Good luck!

I was thinking to perhaps use [name]Finn[/name] as a middle name for [name]Benjamin[/name]. [name]How[/name] does [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Finn[/name] sound?

The -in sounds are a little much together … but I absolutely adore [name]Benjamin[/name]! Would you like other suggestions for names, perhaps?

That said, if you have your heart set on [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Finn[/name] then don’t let that stop you - you don’t say the fn and mn together very much anway, and the most important thing is to have a name you really love.

[name]Nathaniel[/name] and [name]Theodore[/name] have always struck me as very similar to [name]Benjamin[/name] in style - perhaps you like one of those? I think they both go well with [name]Finn[/name].

kalebsmom, do you mind if I ask where you live?

We’ve chosen [name]Finn[/name] for a boy’s name but I really, really worry about rising popularity. I’ve only met one other [name]Finn[/name], and he’s now 8 years old.

I wish I were due right AFTER the newest SSA list came out!!!

Its definitely trendy right now. Its everywhere!

I’m actually growing a slightly bored of it on boys, but loving it on girls! [name]Finley[/name] especially, which I know is all boy to a lot of people, has a certain quirk about it as a girls name!

I’m in the [name]Boston[/name] area and [name]Finn[/name] is very popular around here. I adore it, though.