Wondering which you prefer?
[name_f]Sienna[/name_f]! It’s all honey-golden and umber and amber and yummy.
[name_f]Fiona[/name_f] is nms. Always makes me think of green skin- [name_f]Fiona[/name_f] the ogress in Shrek (the Disney movie) and [name_f]Fiona[/name_f] the frog, Goofy’s pet in the [name_u]Mickey[/name_u] Mouse Clubhouse show. (yeah, my toddler may watch a lot of Disney… :-))
I like them both, but prefer [name_f]Fiona[/name_f].
I like [name_f]Fiona[/name_f] better.
I prefer [name_f]Fiona[/name_f]. [name_f]Sienna[/name_f] is nice but doesn’t strike me as having as much depth.
I prefer [name_f]Fiona[/name_f].
I really like [name_f]Fianna[/name_f] and [name_f]Vienna[/name_f] though, if you’re looking for other names in that style
Ohhh I like them both! Is there a mn in the works? Or how “sturdy” is your last name?
To me [name_f]Fiona[/name_f] is a strong Scottish leader of the pack type name with sweet, cutesy nn possibilities.
[name_f]Sienna[/name_f] on the other hand is a little softer and flowy-er.
I’m in Australia where [name_f]Sienna[/name_f] is quite popular as a baby name while [name_f]Fiona[/name_f] is not so common these days.
I really do like them both for different reasons.
I’m not really a fan of either but of the two I prefer [name_f]Fiona[/name_f]. [name_f]Sienna[/name_f] sounds trendy to me.
[name_f]Fiona[/name_f] for me. I find it cute yet substantial. [name_f]Sienna[/name_f] is pretty, but I’ve never been a huge fan of place names, unless the place (or name, I suppose) has a specific special meaning to you.