Fiona Pearl or Fiona Claire

See the results of this poll: Do you like Fiona Pearl or Fiona Claire?

Respondents: 45 (This poll is closed)

  • Fiona Pearl : 30 (67%)
  • Fiona Claire: 15 (33%)

[name]Fiona[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] is absolutely stunning.

thanks girls! I am for sure leaning to [name]Fiona[/name] [name]Pearl[/name]. [name]Fiona[/name] [name]Claire[/name] feels like it “matches” my other DD’s name better… which is [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Cait[/name]… but who cares about matching, right? :slight_smile:

I know, I know, the for-sure-to-be-had comments about Shrek will occur:( Which saddens me, because I’d hate for someone to make her feel bad or self concious. I think I am more sensitive to it than I need to be. My name is [name]April[/name]… and I received teasing (although mild, I suppose) throughout my life, and still hear to this day, lol. [name]Just[/name] the usual “[name]April[/name], [name]May[/name], [name]June[/name]” or “[name]April[/name] Showers” or “Its not [name]April[/name], its [name]November[/name]!” har-dee-har-har More irritating than anything. So maybe I am transferring a bit of my angst onto her… maybe (hopefull) she will not care, it will not bother her, she will have a sense of humor about it… and maybe I am just over reacting. I do know that I might (very likely) regret NOT choosing [name]Fiona[/name] simply based off of Shrek. It really is my “true love name” (if that exists!) and I adore it. It feels like my little girls name. So does it really matter about teasing? Or am I setting her up for frustration, like I’ve endured? Not terrible, not life altering, just irritating? Or does it really matter… is it better to use a name you don’t [name]LOVE[/name] that is SAFER maybe to try to avoid teasing?

[name]Fiona[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] is such a pretty name!

You have to think of the fact that she might not respond to potential teasing the same way you do, IF someone would try to tease her. I don’t think you should go for a safer option, and even if you do, you cannot foresee how people will deal with that name. Teach your daughter to be proud of herself and her name! Since this is a big issue for you, I think you should pick a middle name that is deep into your comfort zone, should she POSSIBLY decide that she doesn’t like her name. Since [name]Fiona[/name] is your ‘true love name’, you should definitely use it!

Good luck:)

[name]Pearl[/name] is my all time favorite middle name! Im biased, as thats my dd’s mn!
Tho I do really like [name]Fiona[/name] [name]Claire[/name], even more with [name]Annabelle[/name] [name]Cait[/name]!

As far as teasing goes…names with heavy associations dont bother me. I would use [name]Fiona[/name] myself, but my ex bf used it first lol. My husband is such a tease and he prefers names that you can tease with. Its inevitable she will get some teasing, but I say its how you deal with it at home. If you keep it light hearted, or even get her a stuffed animal (do they make those??) Or keep the association positive- after all she is a princess!! Hey, call her [name]Princess[/name] [name]Fiona[/name]! That should help prepare her for passing comments. Go with what you love. Its a beautiful name!

Hmmm…about the teasing. I’m sure [name]Princess[/name] that was in Shrek had a good personality so there is a moral for them. Not a fan of [name]Claire[/name].

thanks so much girls. I have pretty much decided I am set on this name… [name]Fiona[/name] [name]Pearl[/name]. It feels right. I dream this name is hers at night. I think I’d be so gutted if I went a different direction.

As for arming her with “comebacks” i’ll admit i’m not much good at them:) Any good ones you all have?