I couldn’t resist looking this up! I live in [name]Arizona[/name], and a little [name]Isabel[/name] (naturally!) was born about two seconds after midnight. Her siblings are [name]Tanner[/name], [name]Karlene[/name], [name]Taylor[/name], [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Rachel[/name], [name]Kimber[/name], [name]Joseph[/name] and [name]Joshua[/name].
I only like [name]Lucy[/name] and [name]Isabel[/name] (even though the popularity kills it, and I prefer the extra le).
I love [name]Isabel[/name] and [name]Lucy[/name], and quite like both [name]Joseph[/name] and [name]Joshua[/name]. According to a local paper, the first baby born here in [name]London[/name], [name]England[/name] was [name]Eva[/name], who has brothers [name]Adam[/name] and [name]Daniel[/name]; her parents met twelve years ago on New Year’s [name]Eve[/name]
I could not find any born in [name]Boston[/name] or even in the state of Massachusetts. Results come up a baby born in [name]Maine[/name] at 12:04 named [name]Sonya[/name]. The article reports other babies born [name]Jan[/name]. 1 in [name]Maine[/name] later in the day, but not their names. I’m a little bummed I can’t find more local info on the subject, could be that there weren’t any.
well my cousin [name]Tanner[/name] [name]Rae[/name] was born on new years in '93 and my grandpa [name]John[/name] [name]Charles[/name] was born on the same day, i think over 70 years ago
In New Zealand a baby boy named [name]Cameron[/name] was born at 12:16 am. And technically since New Zealand is the first country to see the sun, therefore the first country to welcome in the new year, baby [name]Cameron[/name] was the first baby in the world to be born in the new decade. I bet he will feel pretty special when he’s older!
[name]BOSTON[/name] – [name]Boston[/name]'s first baby was born at Mass [name]General[/name] Hospital just minutes after the New Year.
[name]John[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Hayden[/name] was born at 12:06 a.m. on [name]January[/name] 1, 2010. He weighed in at a healthy seven pounds seven ounces.
And in New hampshire…
The first [name]Granite[/name] State baby of the New Year was born at Dartmouth [name]Hitchcock[/name] Medical Center Friday morning.
[name]Skyler[/name] Colburn was born at 12:30 a.m., weighing in at 7 pounds 10 ounces. [name]Skyler[/name]'s parents say they got to the hospital around 8 Thursday morning and thought [name]Skyler[/name] would make her appearance sooner.
Here in Connecticut, the first baby born was [name]Xavier[/name] [name]Evan[/name]-[name]Jay[/name] [name]Nelson[/name], at 12:41… but he’s their first child. What a cute baby though.
First baby of the new year here in San [name]Jose[/name], [name]California[/name] was a baby [name]Alexander[/name], no middle name listed no prior siblings listed but he was born 20 seconds after midnight!
[name]Mila[/name] [name]Mae[/name] Reitz is the first baby born at [name]St[/name]. [name]Agnes[/name] Hospital in the New Year. She was born at 1:16 p.m. Friday, [name]Jan[/name]. 1, 2010, to [name]Luke[/name] and [name]Cherie[/name] Reitz of Lomira. [name]Mila[/name] [name]Mae[/name] weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 20 inches long.