Hey! I am looking for a name for my elf character. Her nickname is [name_u]Ara[/name_u] (pn. ah-rah, not ai-rah) and I need a first name. The most obvious (to me) is Arabelle/Arabella and even tho I like the name, I don’t think this name will fit her characteristics… Btw, [name_u]Ara[/name_u] lives in a human world and does not know she is an elf (this will be my plot twist).
Some of the names I considered:
[name_f]Araluen[/name_f] (I like this one the most)
Aranoa (I just made up this one, please tell me if anyone knows what this name means)
Eleonara/Leonara (I think it’s too weird to use this name with her middle name)
[name_f]Tinkara[/name_f] (I think [name_f]Tinka[/name_f] is more common nickname for [name_f]Tinkara[/name_f] than Ara…)
Her middle name is Elisora (eh-lee-soh-rah), last name is unknown.
She has very light (almost white) blonde hair, pale skin and violet eyes. She is pretty tall and very thin.
She is very generous, kind, animal and nature lover, confident, strong, very smart, perfectionist, loyal and a little bit clumsy. [name_u]Ara[/name_u] is not very popular at school (sometimes she is bullied because of her looks or smarts), and is called ‘nerd’. She has a small group of friends, she gets along with and truly cares for.
I’d like a unique name that fits her and is NOT too common. Prefferably not [name_f]English[/name_f]. Unusual name, you remember after the first time hearing it, but still simple. Please tell me your opinions on my name suggestions. Still, I am open to new ideas.
Your help will be very appreciative. Thank you!