Please post your immediate first reaction to the name [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m]! (Positive or negative)
I’m really a big fan of the timeless classic “William”, but a family member has since given their son that name. I’m not entirely opposed to using it based on that… but i’d still want our son to have his own stand alone name.
I can’t stop thinking about [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m].
I love how [name_m]William[/name_m] is still included and also how suddenly [name_m]Fitz[/name_m] becomes a nickname option as well as [name_m]Will[/name_m].
Obviously I love Mr [name_u]Darcy[/name_u], but he’s not the main inspiration behind this choice. (It’s a place name from where i grew up but no longer live)
What do you all think?
Is [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m] a bit much? [name_u]Or[/name_u] a good solution to my dilemma?
(I’m British too, if that helps)
I love it! It does make me think of [name_u]Darcy[/name_u], but that’s a positive and dashing association. I adore the nickname [name_m]Fitz[/name_m], which is fresh, bubbly and unexpected compared to [name_m]Will[/name_m]. I love that it has also got a personal connection to you via the place you grew up!
If I met a little boy called [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m] I would be so excited.
Definitely not “too much” by any stretch of the imagination. In a world of Theodores, Atticuses and Sebastians, [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m] fits right in!
I think of [name_u]Darcy[/name_u] right away, but I love the association! I think it would be such a fun name to have and even though it’s not my typical style, I do really like it!
Negative because [name_m]Fitz[/name_m] sounds silly to me. Not bad, but silly. Admittedly, I like all kinds of wild names, so take that with a grain of salt.
[name_f]My[/name_f] first association is with the [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m] Museum in Cambridge - [name_f]England[/name_f], which is near to where I grew up. As a name it gives me aristocratic family vibes.
I like it! It’s dramatic and punchy with literary flair, but if all of that ever feels too much he has plenty of short, cool nickname options to go by day-to-day. I personally adore [name_m]Fitz[/name_m]
I think it’s a handsome sounding name. Good nickname options too. [name_f]My[/name_f] first thoughts are Mr [name_u]Darcy[/name_u] or the museum, as I lived in Cambridge. If I heard of someone with a baby [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m] I would assume they are quite an upper class family.
I really like [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m] although I would only use it for a middle personally (but could be used for either)! Very handsome and subtle reference to Mr [name_u]Darcy[/name_u]!
(I am also British and I think this could definitely work!)
Thank you so much for your feedback!
I’m blown away by all the positive responses as i definitely thought [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m] would raise a few eyebrows. (This has definitely given me the courage to go for it.)
[name_f]My[/name_f] follow up dilemma if you want to help further is is this a good name to add to my current childrens names? [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] and [name_u]Sullivan[/name_u]. [name_u]Or[/name_u] will it clash/ sound off? I think i like the name either way but would love unbiased feedback. (I tend to talk myself out of things if i feel like I haven’t considered everything.)
[name_f]My[/name_f] first impression was that a third name in the sibset should be a little shorter to compliment the group and [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m] is obviously not short…
Also- we do use the nicknames [name_f]Millie[/name_f] and [name_u]Sully[/name_u] 50% of the time and [name_f]Millie[/name_f], [name_u]Sully[/name_u] and [name_m]Fitz[/name_m] sounds adorable to me. [name_m]Even[/name_m] if [name_f]Amelia[/name_f], [name_u]Sullivan[/name_u] and [name_m]Fitzwilliam[/name_m] are a bit of a mouthful!
Amelia, Sullivan, and Fitzwilliam together seem to me like each name is a little bit braver than the last. Sullivan feels more unexpected to me than Amelia, and Fitzwilliam is just that bit more unusual than Sullivan. I don’t think they clash though - even though some of the names are more commonly heard than others, all in all they have the same sweet, vintage feel to me, and the nicknames Millie, Sully, and Fitz are absolutely perfect together.
I love it! It sounds so classy and distinguished, and Mr. [name_u]Darcy[/name_u] is always a good association.
The [name_m]William[/name_m] part is familiar, so it doesn’t seem too out-there. I think it’s wearable.