LN: Folk [missniwalyra]
DH(75): Lyndan Oliver Gallant [Abby.Ray]
DW(75): Marie-Madeleine Olalla “Mimi” (Country) [VEL]
DD1(50): Amelia Queenie Violet Clair “Ames” -Salvatore- [Grandidieramy]
-DH(49): Slade Nightwing -Salvatore- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS(29): Emerson Riddler -Salvatore- [Elevendy_Seven]
~-~DW(29): Divine Lovely (Night) -Salvatore- [Abby.Ray]
~+~+~DD(8): Sunset Amie -Salvatore- [namelover55]
~+~+~DS(6): Midnight David -Salvatore- [BeccaRhubarb]
~+~+~DD/DD(1): Noon Carita/ Dusk Esme -Salvatore- [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
++DS(27): Harrison Bane -Salvatore- [Elevendy_Seven]
~-~DGF(25): Desiree Christabella -Gauthier- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DD(24): Paityn Firefly -Salvatore- [gabhart]
~-~DF(24): Taylor Bernina -Alto- [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
~+~+~DS(1): Spike Morgyn -Alto Salvatore- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS(22): Jenson Renegade -Salvatore- [namelover55]
++DD(18): Austyn Oracle -Salvatore- [Abby.Ray]
++DS(15): Carson Penguin -Salvatore- [lifesaboutmusic]
DS1(47): Benedict Wilfrid Augustus Leaf “Ned” -Kincaid- [Gingilocks101]
-DH(50): Max Robert -Kincaid- [namelover55]
++DAS(20): Murphy King -Kincaid- [BeccaRhubarb]
++DAD(17): Brooke Austen -Kincaid- [PrincessShannon]
++DAD/DAS(15): Bindi Chesnutt /-&/ Moe Bardugo -Kincaid- [avenmaide]
++DAS(11): Merlin Haig -Kincaid- [Gingilocks101]
DS2(45): Caspian Vern Felix Oliver “Kip” [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
-DW(45): Avareigh Rose (Callous) [BeccaRhubarb]
++DD(26): Alyviah Millie Jane [Abby.Ray]
~-~DBF(28): Brayden Michael -Spencer- [Elevendy_Seven]
++DD(24): Caeluh Angel Rose -Charles- [lifesaboutmusic]
~-~DH(25): Connor Reuben -Charles- [Abby.Ray]
~+~+~DS(1): Knash Barley -Charles- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS(19): Leighum Auggie Luke [Elevendy_Seven]
++DD(15): Vyelitte Nora Lynn [PrincessShannon]
++DS(12): Deklun Zeke Adam [VEL]
++DD(3): Hayesl Izzy Kate [lifesaboutmusic]
DS3(43): Deveraux Ivan Ezekiel Wren “Dev” [Abby.Ray] ~Twin A~
-DW(41): Misty December (Sheeran) [PrincessShannon]
DD2(43): Evangelina Hazel Marsali Rain “Lina” -Smith- [Gingilocks101] ~Twin B~
-DH(48): Gabriel Austin “Gabe” -Smith- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DSD(27): Gabriella Avery “Ella” (Smith) -Zorrander- [lifesaboutmusic]
~-~DH(31): Elliott Rex -Zorrander- [BeccaRhubarb]
~+~+~DS(6): Denys Ace -Zorrander- [namelover55]
~+~+~DS(3): Maxim Beck -Zorrander- [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
++DS(24): Grayson Asher “Gray” -Smith- [Elevendy_Seven]
~-~DGF(22): Lainee Elizabeth -Taylor- [PrincessShannon]
~+~+~DS(1): Atticus Dayne -Smith- [Abby.Ray]
++DD(22): Gwendolyn Autumn “Dolly” -Smith- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DD(19): Georgiana Ava “Ana” -Smith- [Grandidieramy] ~Twin A~
++DS(19): Gideon Arlo “Giddy” -Smith- [Grandidieramy] ~Twin B~
~-~DGF(18): Calla Saffron -De Luca- [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
++DD(15): Genevieve Alice “Viv” -Smith- [drvc]
++DD(11): Gertrude Astrid “Trudy” -Smith- [namelover55]
DS4(41): Fergus Xavier Evergreen James “Gus” [GenevieveReine]
-DW(39): Kahlo Seneca (Stevens) [Abby.Ray]
++DS(12): Drake Vermeer [BeccaRhubarb]
++DS(9): McCoy Hopper [VEL]
++DS(6): Munroe Picasso [Gingilocks101]
++DS(1): Erik Goya [Gingilocks101]
DS5(39): Gideon Oleander Maxwell Stone “Ian” [BeccaRhubarb]
-DW(39): Daphne Athena (Galanis) [Ren113]
++DD(17): Venus Aphrodite [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS(15): Jupiter Zeus [namelover55]
++DS(11): Pluto Hades [Elevendy_Seven]
++DD(6): Vesta Hestia [BeccaRhubarb]
DD3(38): Honora Zephyrine Wisteria Blair “Nora” -Rose- [Minggy]
-DH(40): Texas Bertram “Tex” -Rose- [emmett_3]
++DS(13): Emmanuel Martin -Rose- [namelover55]
++DS(12): Corwin Arthur -Rose- [Elevendy_Seven]
++DD(11): Anastasia Eleanor -Rose- [VEL]
++DS(9): Boston Alexander -Rose- [BeccaRhubarb]
++DD(8): Sabrina Lillian -Rose- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS(3): Felix William -Rose- [namelover55]
++DD(1): Noelle Juliana -Rose- [lifesaboutmusic]
DD4(36): Isabeau Kerensa Daphne Opal “Beau” [Abby.Ray]
DD5(35): Juliette Florence Dahlia Grace “Etta” -Zbornak- [PrincessShannon] ~Twin A~
-DP(37): Farley Oak -Zbornak- [BeccaRhubarb]
++DD(12): Dove Drusilla -Zbornak- [namelover55]
++DD(9): Butterfly Acantha -Zbornak- [missniwalyra]
++DS(8): Falcon Rune -Zbornak- [Gingilocks101]
++DS(6): Newt Alaric -Zbornak- [Elevendy_Seven]
++DD(3): Panda Gwendolyn -Zbornak- [BeccaRhubarb]
DD6(35): Kinvara Priscilla Mary Blossom “Vara” -Valentine- [namelover55] ~Twin B~
-DH(34): Noah Westley -Valentine- [Ren113]
++DD(15): Elizanessa Madison -Valentine- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS/DD(9): Bojack Carter/ Mayleigh Anise -Valentine- [emmett_3 & namelover55]
++DS(3): Calixander Gallant -Valentine- [Abby.Ray]
DS6(33): Lochlan Gregor Fitzpatrick Pine “Loch” [avenmaide]
-DGF(31): Kimberley Savannah Primrose -Campbell- [BeccaRhubarb]
++DD(11): Heather Charlotte [breezebri]
++DD(8): Susan Augusta [VEL]
++DD(6): Esther Juneau [Abby.Ray]
++DD(1): Scarlett Aspen [Elevendy_Seven]
DD7(29): Margaret Tabitha Willow Faye “Margo” -Bauer- [GenevieveReine]
-DH(32): Willoughby Calvin -Bauer- [Abby.Ray]
++DD/DD/DS/DD/DS(nb): Kiara Thistle Lucy/ Antra Begonia Reagan/ Trey Cedar Harrison/ Delta Foxglove Edith/ Malachy Redwood Grant -Bauer- [missniwalyra & Elevendy_Seven & lifesaboutmusic]
Lyndan and Mimi Folk, Ames; Ned, Kip, Dev, Lina, Gus, Ian, Nora, Beau, Etta, Vara, Loch and Margo
-Slade and Ames Salvatore; Emerson, Harrison, Paityn, Jenson, Austyn and Carson
+Emerson and Divine Salvatore; Sunset, Midnight, Noon and Dusk
+Harrison Salvatore and Desiree Gauthier
+Paityn Salvatore and Taylor Alto; Spike
-Max and Ned Kincaid; Murphy, Brooke, Bindi, Moe and Merlin
-Kip and Avareigh Folk; Alyviah, Caeluh, Leighum, Vyelitte, Deklun and Hayesl
+Brayden Spencer and Alyviah Folk
+Connor and Caeluh Charles; Knash
-Dev and Misty Folk
-Gabe and Lina Smith; Ella, Gray, Dolly, Ana, Giddy, Viv and Trudy
+Elliott and Ella Zorrander; Denys and Maxim
+Gray Smith and Lainee Taylor; Atticus
+Giddy Smith and Calla De Luca
-Gus and Kahlo Folk; Drake, McCoy, Munroe and Erik
-Ian and Daphne Folk; Venus, Jupiter, Pluto and Vesta
-Tex and Nora Rose; Emmanuel, Corwin, Anastasia, Boston, Sabrina, Felix and Noelle
-Beau Folk
-Farley and Etta Zbornak; Dove, Butterly, Falcon, Newt and Panda
-Noah and Vara Valentine; Elizanessa, Bojack, Mayleigh and Calixander
-Loch and Kimberley Folk; Heather, Susan, Esther and Scarlett
-Willoughby and Margo Bauer; Kiara, Antra, Trey, Delta and Malachy
A quick shout out to Beau our intentionally child AND partnerless queen! She doesn’t have time for any of that drama!
Thank you for all the well wishes and making this such a fun one. Catch y’all on the flip side.
@missniwalyra @Abby.Ray @VEL @Grandidieramy @lifesaboutmusic @breezebri @Elevendy_Seven @gabhart @namelover55 @Gingilocks101