Folk Family NTB- The Family Tree

LN: Folk [missniwalyra]
DH(75): Lyndan Oliver Gallant [Abby.Ray]
DW(75): Marie-Madeleine Olalla “Mimi” (Country) [VEL]
DD1(50): Amelia Queenie Violet Clair “Ames” -Salvatore- [Grandidieramy]
-DH(49): Slade Nightwing -Salvatore- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS(29): Emerson Riddler -Salvatore- [Elevendy_Seven]
~-~DW(29): Divine Lovely (Night) -Salvatore- [Abby.Ray]
~+~+~DD(8): Sunset Amie -Salvatore- [namelover55]
~+~+~DS(6): Midnight David -Salvatore- [BeccaRhubarb]
~+~+~DD/DD(1): Noon Carita/ Dusk Esme -Salvatore- [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
++DS(27): Harrison Bane -Salvatore- [Elevendy_Seven]
~-~DGF(25): Desiree Christabella -Gauthier- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DD(24): Paityn Firefly -Salvatore- [gabhart]
~-~DF(24): Taylor Bernina -Alto- [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
~+~+~DS(1): Spike Morgyn -Alto Salvatore- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS(22): Jenson Renegade -Salvatore- [namelover55]
++DD(18): Austyn Oracle -Salvatore- [Abby.Ray]
++DS(15): Carson Penguin -Salvatore- [lifesaboutmusic]
DS1(47): Benedict Wilfrid Augustus Leaf “Ned” -Kincaid- [Gingilocks101]
-DH(50): Max Robert -Kincaid- [namelover55]
++DAS(20): Murphy King -Kincaid- [BeccaRhubarb]
++DAD(17): Brooke Austen -Kincaid- [PrincessShannon]
++DAD/DAS(15): Bindi Chesnutt /-&/ Moe Bardugo -Kincaid- [avenmaide]
++DAS(11): Merlin Haig -Kincaid- [Gingilocks101]
DS2(45): Caspian Vern Felix Oliver “Kip” [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
-DW(45): Avareigh Rose (Callous) [BeccaRhubarb]
++DD(26): Alyviah Millie Jane [Abby.Ray]
~-~DBF(28): Brayden Michael -Spencer- [Elevendy_Seven]
++DD(24): Caeluh Angel Rose -Charles- [lifesaboutmusic]
~-~DH(25): Connor Reuben -Charles- [Abby.Ray]
~+~+~DS(1): Knash Barley -Charles- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS(19): Leighum Auggie Luke [Elevendy_Seven]
++DD(15): Vyelitte Nora Lynn [PrincessShannon]
++DS(12): Deklun Zeke Adam [VEL]
++DD(3): Hayesl Izzy Kate [lifesaboutmusic]
DS3(43): Deveraux Ivan Ezekiel Wren “Dev” [Abby.Ray] ~Twin A~
-DW(41): Misty December (Sheeran) [PrincessShannon]
DD2(43): Evangelina Hazel Marsali Rain “Lina” -Smith- [Gingilocks101] ~Twin B~
-DH(48): Gabriel Austin “Gabe” -Smith- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DSD(27): Gabriella Avery “Ella” (Smith) -Zorrander- [lifesaboutmusic]
~-~DH(31): Elliott Rex -Zorrander- [BeccaRhubarb]
~+~+~DS(6): Denys Ace -Zorrander- [namelover55]
~+~+~DS(3): Maxim Beck -Zorrander- [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
++DS(24): Grayson Asher “Gray” -Smith- [Elevendy_Seven]
~-~DGF(22): Lainee Elizabeth -Taylor- [PrincessShannon]
~+~+~DS(1): Atticus Dayne -Smith- [Abby.Ray]
++DD(22): Gwendolyn Autumn “Dolly” -Smith- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DD(19): Georgiana Ava “Ana” -Smith- [Grandidieramy] ~Twin A~
++DS(19): Gideon Arlo “Giddy” -Smith- [Grandidieramy] ~Twin B~
~-~DGF(18): Calla Saffron -De Luca- [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
++DD(15): Genevieve Alice “Viv” -Smith- [drvc]
++DD(11): Gertrude Astrid “Trudy” -Smith- [namelover55]
DS4(41): Fergus Xavier Evergreen James “Gus” [GenevieveReine]
-DW(39): Kahlo Seneca (Stevens) [Abby.Ray]
++DS(12): Drake Vermeer [BeccaRhubarb]
++DS(9): McCoy Hopper [VEL]
++DS(6): Munroe Picasso [Gingilocks101]
++DS(1): Erik Goya [Gingilocks101]
DS5(39): Gideon Oleander Maxwell Stone “Ian” [BeccaRhubarb]
-DW(39): Daphne Athena (Galanis) [Ren113]
++DD(17): Venus Aphrodite [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS(15): Jupiter Zeus [namelover55]
++DS(11): Pluto Hades [Elevendy_Seven]
++DD(6): Vesta Hestia [BeccaRhubarb]
DD3(38): Honora Zephyrine Wisteria Blair “Nora” -Rose- [Minggy]
-DH(40): Texas Bertram “Tex” -Rose- [emmett_3]
++DS(13): Emmanuel Martin -Rose- [namelover55]
++DS(12): Corwin Arthur -Rose- [Elevendy_Seven]
++DD(11): Anastasia Eleanor -Rose- [VEL]
++DS(9): Boston Alexander -Rose- [BeccaRhubarb]
++DD(8): Sabrina Lillian -Rose- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS(3): Felix William -Rose- [namelover55]
++DD(1): Noelle Juliana -Rose- [lifesaboutmusic]
DD4(36): Isabeau Kerensa Daphne Opal “Beau” [Abby.Ray]
DD5(35): Juliette Florence Dahlia Grace “Etta” -Zbornak- [PrincessShannon] ~Twin A~
-DP(37): Farley Oak -Zbornak- [BeccaRhubarb]
++DD(12): Dove Drusilla -Zbornak- [namelover55]
++DD(9): Butterfly Acantha -Zbornak- [missniwalyra]
++DS(8): Falcon Rune -Zbornak- [Gingilocks101]
++DS(6): Newt Alaric -Zbornak- [Elevendy_Seven]
++DD(3): Panda Gwendolyn -Zbornak- [BeccaRhubarb]
DD6(35): Kinvara Priscilla Mary Blossom “Vara” -Valentine- [namelover55] ~Twin B~
-DH(34): Noah Westley -Valentine- [Ren113]
++DD(15): Elizanessa Madison -Valentine- [lifesaboutmusic]
++DS/DD(9): Bojack Carter/ Mayleigh Anise -Valentine- [emmett_3 & namelover55]
++DS(3): Calixander Gallant -Valentine- [Abby.Ray]
DS6(33): Lochlan Gregor Fitzpatrick Pine “Loch” [avenmaide]
-DGF(31): Kimberley Savannah Primrose -Campbell- [BeccaRhubarb]
++DD(11): Heather Charlotte [breezebri]
++DD(8): Susan Augusta [VEL]
++DD(6): Esther Juneau [Abby.Ray]
++DD(1): Scarlett Aspen [Elevendy_Seven]
DD7(29): Margaret Tabitha Willow Faye “Margo” -Bauer- [GenevieveReine]
-DH(32): Willoughby Calvin -Bauer- [Abby.Ray]
++DD/DD/DS/DD/DS(nb): Kiara Thistle Lucy/ Antra Begonia Reagan/ Trey Cedar Harrison/ Delta Foxglove Edith/ Malachy Redwood Grant -Bauer- [missniwalyra & Elevendy_Seven & lifesaboutmusic]

Lyndan and Mimi Folk, Ames; Ned, Kip, Dev, Lina, Gus, Ian, Nora, Beau, Etta, Vara, Loch and Margo
-Slade and Ames Salvatore; Emerson, Harrison, Paityn, Jenson, Austyn and Carson
+Emerson and Divine Salvatore; Sunset, Midnight, Noon and Dusk
+Harrison Salvatore and Desiree Gauthier
+Paityn Salvatore and Taylor Alto; Spike
-Max and Ned Kincaid; Murphy, Brooke, Bindi, Moe and Merlin
-Kip and Avareigh Folk; Alyviah, Caeluh, Leighum, Vyelitte, Deklun and Hayesl
+Brayden Spencer and Alyviah Folk
+Connor and Caeluh Charles; Knash
-Dev and Misty Folk
-Gabe and Lina Smith; Ella, Gray, Dolly, Ana, Giddy, Viv and Trudy
+Elliott and Ella Zorrander; Denys and Maxim
+Gray Smith and Lainee Taylor; Atticus
+Giddy Smith and Calla De Luca
-Gus and Kahlo Folk; Drake, McCoy, Munroe and Erik
-Ian and Daphne Folk; Venus, Jupiter, Pluto and Vesta
-Tex and Nora Rose; Emmanuel, Corwin, Anastasia, Boston, Sabrina, Felix and Noelle
-Beau Folk
-Farley and Etta Zbornak; Dove, Butterly, Falcon, Newt and Panda
-Noah and Vara Valentine; Elizanessa, Bojack, Mayleigh and Calixander
-Loch and Kimberley Folk; Heather, Susan, Esther and Scarlett
-Willoughby and Margo Bauer; Kiara, Antra, Trey, Delta and Malachy


A quick shout out to Beau our intentionally child AND partnerless queen! She doesn’t have time for any of that drama! :wink:

Thank you for all the well wishes and making this such a fun one. Catch y’all on the flip side.

@missniwalyra @Abby.Ray @VEL @Grandidieramy @lifesaboutmusic @breezebri @Elevendy_Seven @gabhart @namelover55 @Gingilocks101


@BeccaRhubarb @EdgeOfTheMeadow @GenevieveReine @Ren113 @Minggy @emmett_3 @PrincessShannon @avenmaide @drvc

Go [name_u]Beau[/name_u] :muscle:t4: :crown:

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Thank you for all the fun you brought in the form of NTB’s over the years, @GoldenNebula88. On which day are you having the surgery? I wish you a speedy and easy recovery afterwards. :yellow_heart:

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Thank you for doing this! It was so much fun! Wishing you a easy and speedy recovery :revolving_hearts:

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@missniwalyra I had the surgery on [name_m]Friday[/name_m] morning. The doctor ended up deciding against doing the “hardest” part that was planned. Which means a much easier recovery! Yay! [name_m]Just[/name_m] crossing our fingers that what was able to be done is enough, otherwise I’m looking at an even bigger surgery in the future.

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