What’s your first association with the name [name]Forrest[/name]? It’s one of my top choices for a baby boy. It was my Great Grandpa’s fn. However, DH can’t get past [name]Forrest[/name] Gump. I know that probably won’t be a major connotation for kids, but is it still the prevalent reference for parents/grandparents?
I think it would be a major connotation for kids, at least for my kids since I probably watch that movie way more than I should.
That being said, my grandfather’s first name is [name]Forrest[/name] and this is actually the first person who comes to mind when I hear this name.
[name]One[/name] grandfather is [name]Forrest[/name] and the other is [name]Rudolph[/name], and I promise you people think I’ve made it up or that I’m trying to be funny when I tell them (as if the names have only ever applied to The Gump and The Reindeer)
I also have [name]Forrest[/name] on my list and my hubby says the same thing. I, however, think it fits so beautifully into the old man names coming back into usage that the movie connection will not be as significant. But, of course, I love the name.
I either think of [name]Forrest[/name] Gump or [name]Forest[/name] [name]Whitaker[/name]. Personally I really like the name. There is some teasing potential, but I don’t think it would go beyond the whole “Run [name]Forrest[/name], Run!” thing. I think it would get old really quickly and your son’s generation might not even be aware of [name]Forrest[/name] Gump until their older and hopefully passed the teasing/bullying age.
I automatically think of [name]Forrest[/name] Gump ([name]LOVE[/name] that movie) but I think it’s a perfectly usable name and that there wouldn’t be any teasing. It’s definitely a classic movie but I really don’t think any kids these days will even hear of it growing up. I think only adults would “get it” lol.
I think first of green lush forests… then I think of [name]Forest[/name] [name]Whitaker[/name]. I’ve seen [name]Forrest[/name] Gump one time, and I honestly don’t remember much of it.
Since this movie is high on my all-time favorite list, that’s all I think of. However, had a student named this, and no one seemed to mention it. Kids don’t tease each other that much over their names… that has been my experience at least. If you like it, I say go for it.
I’ve met enough Forrests that I just don’t think of [name]Forrest[/name] Gump anymore when I hear the name. I’ve met a handful of Forrests at work, so I just think of them, rather than the movie character. I never really saw [name]Forrest[/name] Gump as a serious enough hurdle to keep me from [name]Forrest[/name], if I loved it, anyway.
I’ve been having this same dilemma! I adore [name]Forest[/name] as well, primarily for the nature connection. My thoughts are that “Run, [name]Forrest[/name], run!” won’t be something that comes up unless [name]Forest[/name] is actually running.
I associate the name [name]Forrest[/name] with serenity. I love the movie [name]Forrest[/name] Gump; however, I don’t associate the name with it. I know several Forrests in my community. They range from Pre-school age to Grandfather age. [name]One[/name] is a baseball coach, one is a business man and one is my nephew’s little friend. I think [name]Forrest[/name] is a great name!
I’ve seen the movie, but I think of nature imagery and of an actual forest before I think of [name]Forrest[/name] Gump. I love the name [name]Forrest[/name].
[name]Ever[/name] since my sister told me that she is a huge fan of this name I have been wondering the same thing. [name]Forrest[/name] Gump is definitely the first thing I think of. I love that movie so much and there really aren’t any other modern associations with the name. But then again, the children his age aren’t going to watch the movie/know of that reference until they are much older anyway, and it’s not like he is a bad character or anything. Sure he’s a bit slow but he is very kind-hearted and chivalrous (and there are certainly multitudes of worse choices for a namesake than that!) I am still torn. I would never consider using it myself, but I can almost picture having a little nephew named [name]Forrest[/name] one day…