hey girls! So was thinking of some names of possible future DD’s (have a few boy names I like but will save for another post, hehe).
The name is [name]Autumn[/name]
I think I have fallen in love with it honestly! ;). It has everything I’m looking for, but of course i have some reservations…
My DD’s name is [name]Violet[/name]. [name]How[/name] does [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Autumn[/name] sound? My Ds does not have a nature name, which I’m happy about. I [name]HOPE[/name] it doesn’t sound too cheesy! I love names that give me a beautiful image and both violet and autumn do that for me. I also hope it’s not too out there and worry a tiny bit about possible teasing potential. Also I don’t want to sound to hippy dippy, kwim?
I was born in the fall, so was my mom and my grandmother. Great connection right? :-). Also conceived my first baby in the fall time, so it always makes me think of that exciting time, although I would never tell my baby about that one, haha. And I love that time of year.
As for popularity, it seems to be holding steady in the low 80’s. I have yet to see a huge spike which shows me that it isn’t way too trendy. But at the same time I don’t think it’s a name that appeals to the masses. Like ava or [name]Sophia[/name]. So I doubt it would ever be top 20.
Also hope it sounds classy, or at least not trashy! Haha. But to me it sounds like a classy and creative name. [name]Love[/name] it!
Ok, so for mn’s I"m really liking [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Annabel[/name] Any other A middle names that sound better? [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Amelia[/name], [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Alice[/name], [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Adele[/name], [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Avery[/name], [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Adeline[/name], and [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name] are a few other ideas I had.
I love [name]Autumn[/name]! And if the name brings you so much joy, I think that you should go with it. Personally, I think that [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name] sounds better than [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] or [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Victoria[/name].
And honestly I see nothing to get teased about. One of my best friends is named [name]Autumn[/name] and I don’t think she’s ever been teased about her name.
I love [name]Autumn[/name] too! On a lot of other sites I use it as my screen name
I don’t think the nature theme is too strong with [name]Violet[/name]. I like [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Victoria[/name], followed by [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name]. I think [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] may be a bit too frilly and it doesn’t flow as well.
i [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Autumn[/name]…soft sweet & intelligent sounding…gives off a beautifull image for me too just like with [name]Violet[/name]…id use it too if it werent for the darn A initial (i have an [name]Alex[/name])…oh what the heck its going back on the list! lol USE IT USE IT USE IT…its perfect and u dont have the initial issue…[name]Robby[/name], [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Autumn[/name]-perfect!
I think it’s a lovely name, and it is also my favorite season. [name]Elizabeth[/name] flows really well with it, and as a classic name, will balance out any hippie-dippy qualities that may be there with [name]Autumn[/name], not that I really think there are any! [name]Victoria[/name] would be my second choice of middle names you listed.
First of all, congratulations on finding a name you love! Since [name]Autumn[/name] is one of the “mainstream” nature names, I don’t think she would experience any name teasing. There are so many kids running around with nature names nowadays that kids probably wouldn’t even notice. Now if you were naming her Moonjava or Bluesky that would be a different story. However I think [name]Autumn[/name] is a lovely choice for you. It’s familiar but not common and has meaning to you. Paired with a classic middle name like [name]Victoria[/name] or [name]Elisabeth[/name], I think you have a winner.
— WOW, you girls are good! You came up with so many fabulous mn options that I love. And so glad that I am getting positive feedbak for the name and that it goes well with my other children’s name. I looove my DD’s name but find it very hard to match in a sib set (with name I like that is). [name]Both[/name] my Dh and I love the name [name]Autumn[/name] and so glad you girls don’t think it sounds too nature-y or hippyish alone and with my sib set!
Ok some ques. for you experts!!
What do you think about the names popularity and future popularity? I like that fact that it’s in the top 100…this is one of the only names I would say that for because it makes the name so much more usable, impo. That being said, I don’t think this name appeals to everyone, plus I don’t think it has had a major popularity spike in recent years, sooo, I doubt it would ever be a top 20 pick. I hope not at least, but eh, either way it’s ok.
[name]Do[/name] you feel the name will “stand the test of time” Like when she is ready for kids, her name won’t sound too dated?
What about class? [name]Do[/name] you find the name classy, or eeek trashy! hmmm, I think I feel like it’s a name that can go either way, and it just depends on the person wearing it. But I don’t think I find it trashy as a name on it’s own.
OK, so for middle’s I looove your suggestions. Here are my favs, but still open to any other suggestions you might have
[name]Autumn[/name] [name]Olivia[/name]
[name]Autumn[/name] [name]Eliza[/name]
[name]Autumn[/name] [name]Felicity[/name]
[name]Autumn[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]
[name]Autumn[/name] [name]Caroline[/name]
**[name]Autumn[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] (THIS one is great because my other children both have mn’s that start with an A…doesn’t go great with my last name as it sounds like Minelli…but eh, I think it could work)
and still liking…
[name]Autumn[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name]
[name]Autumn[/name] Victora (love this one for some reason)
[name]Autumn[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] (juliet has always been a fav of mine)
and a new one that my Dh really likes…
[name]Autumn[/name] [name]Kaye[/name] (however, not sure how classic the name [name]Kaye[/name] is)
The other name, basically tied with violet, is [name]Daphne[/name]. [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]. To me this is a very classy, vintage, subtle nature name. My Dh loves this name as well. I always worry about scooby do and the daffy nn though. Other than that, I really love it and wanted to see your thoughts on how it compared to the name [name]Autumn[/name].
Thanks berries! As always I am so impressed by all the great feedback
[name]Autumn[/name] is really pretty. I think it sounds a fair bit classier than [name]Summer[/name] or even [name]Winter[/name] (I do have a thing for [name]Winter[/name], though). Here are my answers to your questions:
I think I agree with you about the popularity thing being beneficial to its use. It’s a name I personally don’t see a lot of in the real world, but still hear enough of to find it usable. I don’t see it rising too high in popularity.
I can picture a baby [name]Autumn[/name], a teen [name]Autumn[/name], a middle aged [name]Autumn[/name] and an old lady [name]Autumn[/name] and I think it suits every age group fine. Because I don’t see the popularity increasing too much I don’t have any worries that the name is going to sound dated.
A little part of me finds most word names trashy, but [name]Autumn[/name] definitely doesn’t stand out to me like [name]Crystal[/name] or [name]Amber[/name] or [name]Summer[/name] do. I think it’s actually quite sophisticated, but that’s got a lot to do with the person wearing it as well I think. If I met an [name]Autumn[/name] that was a complete tramp I wouldn’t be surprised, but then I also wouldn’t be surprised to meet a classy business woman with the name. It’s a name that fits everyone :lol:
[name]Autumn[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] and [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] are my favourites of the ones you have listed. Here are some other suggestions incase you’re still interested (sorry about repeats):
I actually know sisters named [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Autumn[/name], so it’s easy for me to picture it! They’re both sweet girls, ages 8 and 9.
Personally, I’m not a fan of [name]Autumn[/name], but I can see the appeal. It’s soft and delicate and I understand how it would conjure up good images. I honestly think the name could be classy or trashy, depending on how the person carries it. I don’t see [name]Autumn[/name] getting too popular, but I think it could have the potential to crawl pretty high on the list. And my favorite combo of your’s is [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name]. Very sweet.
I do have to say that I enjoy [name]Daphne[/name] MUCH more, especially with sister [name]Violet[/name]. I think they’re perfection together!
Does the queen have an autumn? So not up to date on all that ;). Hehe. And so funny that u know a violet and an autumn! I like that combo as well a’s [name]Daphne[/name]. Also like [name]Eden[/name] but might not be feminine enough for me. And [name]Eloise[/name] is also o. My list with a flower middle.
Sooo, I’m thinking maybe [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Annabel[/name]? It flows nicely with my last name and I’ve always loved the name [name]Annabel[/name], just could never use it as a fn since it’s ‘taken’. [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] seems like to many M’s and then meshed with my last name it’s a but much. Loving the name [name]Autumn[/name]! I also like the name [name]Summer[/name], but it doesn’t have as much meaning.
I like the name [name]Autumn[/name] very much and I think it goes fine with [name]Violet[/name]. [name]Both[/name] related to nature, but very different sounds and different images come to mind.
I don’t think it will get overly popular. I’m not sure when [name]Autumn[/name] was first used as a girls’ name but I know it’s been at least 30-40 years that it’s been around but not trendy, not climbing up the charts.
It does not seem at all “trashy.” Maybe not classy in the same way that names like [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]Catherine[/name] come across, but it would be a dull world if everyone had the same type of name. I think [name]Autumn[/name] is the best of the season names. I have heard that people named [name]Autumn[/name] get a lot of compliments on the name.
I think you have a lot of middle name suggestions to pick from and they sound great - I like [name]Autumn[/name] [name]Victoria[/name].