Hello! I’m new to nameberry and in desperate need of help! I’m currently pregnant with my fourth child- another girl! My current children are Nico Alexander, Luciana Grace, and Gemma Catherine if that gives you a feel for a naming style. We have a short list but most of them seem to be too similar to our current children’s names or too popular (Nicolette, Juliana, Isabella, etc.)
As you can see we need your help! Thanks in advance!
[name]Welcome[/name] to Nameberry and congrats on your pregancy! I like [name]Gabriela[/name]'s suggestions of [name]Emilia[/name], [name]Elena[/name] and [name]Celeste[/name]. Here are some other suggestions.
[name]Nico[/name], [name]Luciana[/name], [name]Gemma[/name] and sister…
I would say your style is a little bit Italian.
Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions! I especially love [name]Vienna[/name], [name]Mattea[/name], [name]Trista[/name], [name]Francesca[/name], [name]Cecilia[/name], and [name]Juliet[/name]- I’ll have to show these ones to my husband! I have a few questions about them, however:
Are [name]Vienna[/name], [name]Mattea[/name], and [name]Trista[/name] too out there? I’m not sure the pronunciations are automatic
Are [name]Francesca[/name], [name]Cecilia[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name] too dramatic? Especially [name]Juliet[/name]?
I don’t think [name]Vienna[/name] and [name]Trista[/name] are too out there. I think most will pronounce them just as they’re written. I’m not sure how to pronounce [name]Mattea[/name].
[name]Francesca[/name] and [name]Cecilia[/name] are great. I think [name]Juliet[/name] is a little dramatic, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. It’s a lovely name.
Wow- love your kids names! As for your questions, I’m not sure where you’re from but I don’t think you have to worry about the pronunciation of [name]Vienna[/name], [name]Trista[/name], or [name]Mattea[/name]. As for the other three; I think [name]Francesca[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name] are a bit romantic, but beautiful nonetheless. My favorite of these is definitely [name]Cecilia[/name]- goes great with your other kids! Some other suggestions:
I know what you mean about running out of names! I am also pregnant with my 4th!
I know 1 little Gemm@ and 1 little [name]Nico[/name] ( not siblings) But Gemm@s older sister is Car0lin@ and Nic0’s little sister is [name]Phillip[/name]@ nn Pipp@.
So I can see those names in your group!
Good luck with baby 4!
I love previous suggestions of [name]Juliet[/name], [name]Francesca[/name] ([name]Chess[/name] is always my favorite nn for this one), and [name]Philippa[/name]!
Other strong classical names with a feminine twist and a touch of drama:
[name]Beatrix[/name] or [name]Beatrice[/name]
[name]Cassia[/name] or [name]Cassandra[/name]
[name]Serafina[/name] or [name]Serena[/name]
[name]Nico[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]
[name]Luciana[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Gemma[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]
I love your style. I do love [name]Nicolette[/name] but it’s definitely a no-go if your son is [name]Nico[/name]. Also, [name]Juliana[/name] is too close to [name]Luciana[/name] in my opinion. I think you could do [name]Isabella[/name], without a problem.
Here are some other suggestions.
So kind of an italian vibe:
I agree, you do seem to have an Italian flair! While I do love other origins I have stuck to Italian names for all my girls (I’m pregnant with our third girl), and we used [name]Ava[/name] [name]Dulcea[/name], [name]Mia[/name] [name]Isobel[/name] and as my signature points out the next girl is going to be [name]Gemma[/name] [name]Hermione[/name].
I also considered [name]Bella[/name] and [name]Roma[/name] ([name]Francesca[/name] was a mn option for both of these), but I think my favorite was [name]Dulcea[/name]. If I had been able to come up with a middle name for it on the spot in the hospital [name]Ava[/name] [name]Dulcea[/name] would’ve been [name]Dulcea[/name]! I think it’s so gorgeous and underused, so maybe it can work for you