Freaking Out!

Well, my period was due today and nothing yet… We were not TTC yet, but we had planned to start in the spring or so. At first I thought I would be alright with a pregnancy right now… but now I am kinda freaking out. [name]Rowan[/name] just turned 1 in [name]October[/name]. She’s still very much a baby/early toddler and getting into everything. I had a mini mental breakdown earlier in the grocery store when she almost knocked over an entire display of wine bottles by grabbing one of them from the cart. OMG, what will another baby be like?! But if I am indeed pregnant, the baby will be due in [name]August[/name] and [name]Rowan[/name] will be 22 months old. I’m just so worried about it.

If I’m not pregnant, something is definitely up. My periods are very regular, sometimes a day late or early, and I only have light cramping the day before it starts. The past few days, I have been queasy all day and I eat just a few bites of something and feel full because I am so bloated it’s uncomfortable (I never get bloated before a period this bad) I’m exhausted, all I want to do is nap, and my boobs are very sore and have a burning sensation, and I had a yeast infection for the 2nd time in my life (last time I was 10 weeks pregnant with [name]Rowan[/name]) I know all these symptoms could very well be PMS, and I might just be freaking out over nothing… I guess we’ll see if my period shows up in the next day or two.

Words of encouragement? Have PMS symptoms mimicked pregnancy symptoms for anyone? For the moms of two children under 2, is it awful? :frowning:

I know a young mother (23) who has 2 children under two and she says it was much easier the second time around. She doesn’t seem to have less time to herself now than she did with just the one. Overall I’d day she makes it look very easy. By the way, both pregnancies were unplanned so she wasn’t exactly prepared either.

I also want to add that the breast tenderness and abnormal bloating could both be symptomatic of the yeast infection. And the yeast infection does not necessarily link to pregnancy even though it started this way last time. Once you get a yeast infection, recurrence is extremely likely. If you have made it this far without another one you should consider yourself very lucky. I haven’t heard about any correlation between yeast infection and pregnancy. However, if you have yeast like symptoms and breast tenderness and you are still breast feeding this could be thrush (yeast infection in your daughters mouth) that has spread to your nipples. If you are still nursing and have recently experienced extra soreness in that region or increased pain or discomfort with breast feeding you should check [name]Rowan[/name]'s mouth for white plaques. They be visible on your nipples as well. This is easily treated and if you think this may be the cause you should consult your daughters care provider.

I hope you’ll find out soon! If you are pregnant, congratulations, and I’m sure you’ll feel great about it!

My mum had two children under two (me and my sister) and she said that it was a little hectic while I was a newborn, but it was so easy when I got a little bigger, we always had each other to play with and do things with. She had our little brother almost eight years after me, and said that it was so much easier to have two around the same age than one on it’s own.

I’m only pregnant with first baby, but I didn’t realize for a few weeks because I’ve got extremely irregular periods and I mistook a lot of the pregnancy related stuff for my messed up period stuff.

Our oldest was 13 months old when our middle child was born, and then 17 months later we had #3. Yes, it is very difficult and stressful. It is worth it, though. The closeness they have is very touching, especially now that they are all in school and doing some of the same things at the same times. If you have kids close together in age, don’t hesitate to enlist as much help as you possibly can.
We hired a postpartum doula when our youngest was born, and this lady was a godsend; she did laundry and entertained two toddlers and a newborn for a few hours a week while I slept. Best thing ever, and there is no shame in getting help like this. You will be fine as long as you are kind to yourself and remember that the difficult days do not last forever.

Thanks for the encouragement. I know in the long run, I want my kids to be closer together in age because I only plan on having two so I want them to be able to play with each other. So, in all honesty it wouldn’t be the end of the world. But still scary! Still no period this morning. Thanks for the info about the yeast infection, I didn’t know it could cause bloating. I do not breastfeed. The only reason it struck me as odd is because it came up so suddenly like the last one, and the nausea I experienced yesterday (not yet today, still haven’t tried to eat…) was so similar to morning sickness. The nausea was what really made me stop and say “Uh oh, this might be real.” If I am, I’m really nervous to tell my husband. He’s been stressed out from work lately and just in a general funky mood. :frowning: If still nothing by tomorrow morning, I’m running to the store for a test.

I’ve experienced close age in both spectrums. My stepchildren are 7 and 6. About 15-16 months between them. They were 3 and 2 when I met my husband. They are very close to each other. They fight as sibling do but they are, for the most part, good at keeping each other company. My daughters are almost exactly 17 month apart. It has been hard, I will not lie. My daughter is reaching those terrible twos. She gets into everything and throws nasty tantrums. My newborn is very demanding. She likes to have attention on her and can be extremely fussy. She is a big mommy’s girl and I am usually the one who can console her (aside from my father). It is hard to divide my attention between them. Especially when I am breastfeeding and my daughter is getting into something.

I confess I don’t have the mother’s experience of having two kids close together, but my sister and I are exactly 22 mos. apart. We had our typical quarrels, but are best friends now. I love our age difference; she’s like my peer, not my kid sidekick. :slight_smile:

[name]Hope[/name] everything works out!

@RGE: the home pregnancy tests are usually able to detect adequate levels of the pregnancy hormone, B-HCG, on about the day your period was due. So if there is concern, check!

Secondly: I would not at all worry that a vaginal yeast infection could have spread systemically, particularly to your skin. Vaginal yeast infections are very common and are usually caused by some factor altering the pH of the vaginal tract-- for example, a course of antibiotics. Pregnancy too can alter the pH; some women do report them in pregnancy uniquely. Skin yeast infections are caused by the same organism but are usually in damp areas with poor hygiene where they never get dried out-- i.e. the very obese with deep skin folds, underneath very large pendulous breasts in women who don’t wear bras, etc. Definitely not on the breast, like on the areola/nipple.

It could always be something as banal as gastroenteritis or a viral infection causing the usual symptoms of malaise, joint aches, loss of appetite, etc.

Hugs, my older 2 are 19 months apart. I made it through, but now as they are older the age difference is great. (There are 2 other ones who came after…but if I just had S and B the close age difference would be a very positive thing now. Keep is updated. <3

I just realized why everyone is saying something about a skin condition, I said my breasts feel like they’re burning… not like a rash, but they feel really warm and tingly, not like an actual burning rash. Haha. I couldn’t figure out why people thought I had a yeast infection on my boobs. :smiley:

Anyway, I broke down and went and bought a test today. It was negative. But I feel more crampy today than yesterday so it feels like my period will be here any minute. I went to the dollar store, so I bought 3 tests. If my period doesn’t show up soon, I’ll test again. But it’s usually pretty accurate 1 day after a missed period right?

yes. This early on, you can get a false negative. By the end of the week (5 weeks after your last period, if you have normal cycles) and it’s still negative, you can start to believe it.

So I got my period this morning. Relieved and disappointed at the same time… weird. I guess those 2 extra pregnancy tests I bought will be used another time. :slight_smile: