Freaking Out!

Back in Sept, I had an ectopic pregnancy and my tube and ovary were removed. We gave it a few months and started TTC in [name_u]December[/name_u]. I took a pregnancy test 8 days before my period (early, I know) it was negative. I took one 6 days and 3 days before my period. Both were negative. So, at this point, I pretty much assumed I should be expecting AF soon. I am two days late and I am very regular. I just bought a six pack and I did not want to drink if there was a remote possibility I had gotten 3 negative tests. I took another test and…


I am still in disbelief. I was convinced I would see another negative but, I was hoping for a positive. I’m freaking out. I feel that this is not real. I can’t really be pregnant, can I? I have to wait until [name_f]Monday[/name_f] to call and get blood work done. My husband is gone and I can’t tell him until he gets back. I had just told him that I wasn’t and the tests were negative. This will be a nice [name_u]Valentine[/name_u]'s [name_u]Day[/name_u] gift. I’m not far along, so I don’t plan on telling until I’m further along. Especially after the ectopic. It was hard to tell me girls that I wasn’t having a baby. Though, my youngest will be excited! I just had to share though!

Congrats!!! Praying everything goes smoothly this time!

Congratulations! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been through such a rough time lately, this is the good news you deserve after all that.

Definitely wait until [name_u]Valentine[/name_u]'s [name_u]Day[/name_u] to tell your husband if you can - what an amazing surprise for him!

Best of luck, hope everything goes smoothly this time.

Wishing you a wonderful pregnancy this time! [name_f]Hope[/name_f] all goes well.

Congratulations! Sending you wishes for a smooth and healthy journey…