Hello Berries!
I have a really hard time finding boys names that I like, but I have found that when a name strikes me as being friendly, happy, and gentle, I’m drawn to it more. Other than that, I’m not sure that I even have a style when it comes to boy names.
Some examples of names that have this vibe to me:
Im really trying to be in [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] with a boys name, like I am with my top girl choices, but none of the names I like the sound or look of feel quite right, for at least a couple of reasons:
1.) I know people with most of these names, some of them family, and I’m not sure that I want to honor anyone living with my future name choice (also some of the would be namesakes are not people that I would care to name a person after at all)
2.) I do not think that any of them go well with any name that I would ever consider for a future daughter
3.) I find most of my choices either too common sounding, or too out there for one reason or another (based on my heritage, Kohei, for example, wouldn’t really work for me, in my opinion)
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? What are your favorite “friendly” boy names? If your idea of a friendly sounding name doesn’t quite mesh up with mine, that’s okay, a fresh eye never hurts
[name_f]TIA[/name_f] for any advice !