5 years have passed since graduation. The friends are all 27 years old.
What city are they living in?
If they went to NYU, they live in NYC.
If they went to UCLA, they live in Los [name_f]Angeles[/name_f].
If they went to University of Chicago, they live in Chicago.
If they went to Georgetown, they live in [name_m]Washington[/name_m] DC.
If they went to [name_f]Columbia[/name_f], they live in NYC.
If they went to Vanderbilt, they live in Nashville, TN.
For the next part of the game, if a friend gets “married to another friend,” you can choose which friend will be the spouse. You don’t have to roll for that friend’s relationship status.
[name_m]Friend[/name_m] #1:
Relationship status:
1- Married (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
2- Engaged to another [name_m]Friend[/name_m]!
3- [name_m]Long[/name_m]-term relationship (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
4- Married to another [name_m]Friend[/name_m]!
5- Single
6- Engaged (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
Life Event:
1- They are pregnant! Who is the father? You choose gender and baby’s name.
2- They are taking a trip to [name_u]Paris[/name_u].
3- There is a death in the family. What does the friend inherit?
4- If they are engaged, they elope! If not, nothing happens.
5- They move out of the apartment complex.
6- They get a promotion!
[name_m]Friend[/name_m] #2:
Relationship status:
1- Married (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
2- Single
3- [name_m]Long[/name_m]-term relationship (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
4- Married to another [name_m]Friend[/name_m]!
5- Single
6- Engaged (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
Life Event:
1- They are offered a position on a reality TV show. [name_f]Do[/name_f] they take it?
——1: The [name_m]Bachelor[/name_m]
——2: So You Think You Can Dance
——3: [name_u]America[/name_u]’s Next Top Model
——4: American Idol
——5: Survivor
——6: Amazing [name_m]Race[/name_m]
2- They are taking a trip to [name_m]Costa[/name_m] [name_f]Rica[/name_f].
3- They get a promotion!
4- If they are engaged, they elope! If not, nothing happens.
5- Nothing happens.
6- They adopt a pet! What kind? What is its name?
[name_m]Friend[/name_m] #3:
Relationship status:
1- Married (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
2- Single
3- [name_m]Long[/name_m]-term relationship (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
4- Married to another [name_m]Friend[/name_m]!
5- Single
6- Engaged (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
Life Event:
1- They win $10,000 in the lottery!
2- They get a promotion!
3- They discover their true heritage, and take a trip to….
——1: [name_f]Ireland[/name_f]
——2: [name_f]England[/name_f]
——3: Germany
——4: [name_f]Austria[/name_f]
——5: [name_f]France[/name_f]
——6: Norway
4- If they are engaged, they elope! If not, nothing happens.
5- There is a death in the family. What does the friend inherit?
6- Nothing happens.
[name_m]Friend[/name_m] #4:
Relationship status:
1- Married (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
2- Single
3- [name_m]Long[/name_m]-term relationship (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
4- Married to another [name_m]Friend[/name_m]!
5- Single
6- Engaged (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
Life Event:
1- They are pregnant! Who is the father? You choose gender and baby’s name.
2- Nothing happens.
3- They have a viral video! What is it of?
4- If they are engaged, they elope! If not, nothing happens.
5- They adopt a dog! What kind? Name?
6- They get a promotion!
[name_m]Friend[/name_m] #5:
Relationship status:
1- Married (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
2- Single
3- [name_m]Long[/name_m]-term relationship (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
4- Married to another [name_m]Friend[/name_m]!
5- Single
6- Engaged (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
Life Event:
1- They take a position at a charity…
——1: Feed the Children
——2: United [name_m]Way[/name_m]
——3: Project [name_f]Hope[/name_f]
——4: Make-A-Wish
——6: Boys & Girls Club
2- They are taking a trip to Las [name_f]Vegas[/name_f].
3- There is a death in the family. What does the friend inherit?
4- They discover they have a secret talent! What is it?
5- They get a promotion!
6- Nothing happens.
[name_m]Friend[/name_m] #6:
Relationship status:
1- Married (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
2- Single
3- [name_m]Long[/name_m]-term relationship (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
4- Married to another [name_m]Friend[/name_m]!
5- Single
6- Engaged (choose partner’s name, age, and job)
Life Event:
1- They become friends with a celebrity!
——1: [name_u]Kim[/name_u] Kardashian
——2: [name_u]Ryan[/name_u] Gosling
——3: [name_u]Nick[/name_u] [name_m]Jonas[/name_m]
——4: [name_u]Blake[/name_u] Lively
——5: [name_m]Zac[/name_m] [name_m]Efron[/name_m]
——6: [name_f]Beyonce[/name_f]
2- Nothing happens.
3- There is a death in the family. What does the friend inherit?
4- They are an extra in a movie.
5- They get promoted!
6- They are taking a trip to [name_u]Brazil[/name_u].