So a friend I went to high school with just had a baby. His name is [name]Nelson[/name] and his girlfriends name is [name]Ashley[/name]. They’re baby was born at 1:00 in the afternoon today. His name is [name]Dayton[/name] [name]Mykle[/name] G---- [name]Mykle[/name] said like [name]Michael[/name].
I’m curious to hear your opinions on the name (mostly [name]Mykle[/name]).
While I’m at it, another girl I went to school with has 2 kids, [name]Brayden[/name] and Mahliki and she pronounces Mahliki like [name]Malachi[/name]. Thoughts?
mick-ull and mah-licky is what I heard in my head… uhhh no…havent been on the different spelling bandwagon since I was a teenager many moons ago… these parents are just asking for years of toture for their kids:(
When I first saw Mahliki’s name, I was pronouncing it muh-leek-ee but my mom informed me that it was suppose to be [name]Malachi[/name]. Mahliki [name]Moses[/name]…
I also wondered what’s wrong with [name]Michael[/name]? [name]Nelson[/name] and [name]Nathan[/name] ([name]Nelson[/name]'s brother) have normal names and so does [name]Ashley[/name] so it was confusing.
Shrug. I just feel bad for them if they or the kids have to always spell their names when it could have been avoided. I really think though that this next generation is going to see so many kids with non-traditional spellings that it’ll just be default to ask / spell anyway. At least the names themselves are perfectly fine. [name]Mykle[/name] especially, since it’s in the middle, it won’t even be used that often.
Not what I would do, but, I just hope everyone is happy : D.
I once dated a guy named [name]Michael[/name] who said he was going to legally change his name to Mykl (he went by that spelling all the time… I’m not kidding!). Not sure if he ever did, but this reminded me of him… haha.
As for that spelling of [name]Malachi[/name]… wtf? I think some people need a lesson in phonetics before they start changing spellings…
ETA: My curiosity got the best of me and I looked him up. His name on Facebook is [name]Michael[/name]… I think he came to his senses, haha.
I also thought Mahliki was pronounced “Muh LEEK ee”. Ick. I like [name]Moses[/name], though.
[name]Mykle[/name] is just wrong. [name]Dayton[/name] is meh. I’m sick of the trendy misspellings thing. [name]Michael[/name] has been perfectly fine, and very popular, on its own for decades! If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it!
The sad thing is, neither of them are. [name]Nelson[/name] a nice, average person and [name]Jasmine[/name] is very intelligent. She had a very bright future in music and technology before she got pregnant and gave up everything. She so smart…so I don’t know what is up with Mahliki.
[name]Ah[/name] well though, I’m fed up with it, but sometimes I just have to talk about the work ones I see.
I had a friend in elementary school named [name]Mykle[/name]. Nice kid. Completely forgot about him. I don’t think [name]Dayton[/name] is as bad as it could have been.
[name]Brayden[/name] and Mahliki are far stranger to me, to be honest. Sure [name]Mykle[/name] is a ‘special’ spelling, but it’s a middle name and I don’t think it’s as bad as Mahliki. [name]Brayden[/name]'s just… seriously, another [name]Brayden[/name], and spelled that way too.
I don’t understand why people even bother with “unique” spellings. It’s the same name! Changing the spelling doesn’t make it a completely different name. Unless of course, we are talking about poor Mahliki up there, where a “unique” spelling did in fact turn it into a completely different name.
I heard Mickel (like nickel) in my head for [name]Mykle[/name]. Why do people think its “cool” to change spelling??? [name]Dayton[/name] just seems like the male version of Daytona, I don’t like either name.
I had no idea how to say Mahliki (looks almost Hawaiian) I like the name [name]Malachi[/name], but this poor boy will probably be forever mad at his parents for not knowing how to spell properly. I would be.