From my signature, what middle names would you give Henry, Felix and Noah?

Also, do you like [name]Henry[/name], [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Noah[/name] as brothers? I’m open to other suggestions, especially ‘vintage’ ones, thanks :slight_smile:

I like [name]Henry[/name] [name]Jasper[/name] and [name]Felix[/name] [name]Sylvester[/name] (but wait…are [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Sylvester[/name] both Looney Tunes cats??). Maybe [name]Felix[/name] [name]Ambrose[/name], or a suggestion of [name]Felix[/name] [name]Amadeus[/name]. As for [name]Noah[/name], I really like it but in my opinion it doesn’t fit well with the other two. [name]Noah[/name] [name]Theodore[/name] looks kind of awesome. I feel like [name]Noah[/name]'s middle name should have an O in it.

I think these would be handsome brothers:

[name]Henry[/name] [name]Sylvester[/name]
[name]Felix[/name] [name]Jasper[/name]
[name]Noah[/name] [name]Darwin[/name]

I love these suggestions! Especially [name]Noah[/name] [name]Darwin[/name].

I think [name]Darwin[/name] is really unexpected and brightens up the more popular [name]Noah[/name]. I second this suggestion!

I really feel that [name]Henry[/name] and [name]Noah[/name] or [name]Henry[/name] and [name]Felix[/name] sound more like siblings than all 3. Something about [name]Henry[/name] makes it usable in all sibling matches, but [name]Noah[/name] and [name]Felix[/name] have very different feels to me. Still, I’m not the type of person to worry too much about whether sibling names go together stylistically. If you love all three names (and they all have different sounds), then I see no reason to not use them together.

quince already listed my favorite suggestions :slight_smile:

I love [name]Henry[/name], [name]Felix[/name], and [name]Noah[/name] together, but the popularity of [name]Noah[/name] compared to the others bothers me a bit. They sound very handsome, and my favourite combinations are [name]Henry[/name] [name]August[/name], [name]Felix[/name] [name]Theodore[/name], and [name]Noah[/name] [name]Jasper[/name].

I think they make a cute sibset. I started out not liking [name]Felix[/name], but the more I see it the more it grows on me.

From your signature I like…
[name]Henry[/name] [name]Sylvester[/name]
[name]Felix[/name] [name]Edward[/name]
[name]Noah[/name] [name]Ambrose[/name]

Other suggestions…
[name]Henry[/name] [name]Augustus[/name]
[name]Felix[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name]
[name]Noah[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name]

I like [name]Henry[/name] [name]Arthur[/name], [name]Felix[/name] [name]Jasper[/name] and [name]Noah[/name] [name]Darcy[/name]. I actually think it’s [name]Henry[/name] that doesn’t fit in the sibset, being so much more classic, but they’re all nice. And btw I love [name]Darcy[/name] on a boy!