@planetnames - thanks love! I do love MacAllister, although I’ve never found a spelling I 100% love? I’ll have to keep playing around with it. I’m intrigued by [name_m]Malachi[/name_m] too but don’t love [name_m]Malachi[/name_m] enough, I think, to consider him as a first. [name_m]Melchior[/name_m] nn [name_m]Mac[/name_m] is FASCINATING but with [name_m]Caspar[/name_m] as my favorite boys’ name, I’m not sure I’m ready to contemplate [name_m]Melchior[/name_m] or Balthazar… [name_m]Makeo[/name_m] is very cool, too… I just don’t know how I feel about a Hawaiian name with no ties to [name_u]Hawaii[/name_u].
@Greyblue - Thanks [name_f]Grace[/name_f]! In addition to [name_m]Malachi[/name_m] and MacAllister, I’m fascinated by MacArthur… just don’t have any associations to one? Plus [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] [name_u]Arthur[/name_u] is high on my list so I’m not sure how I feel about committing to MacArthur, but he is a pretty cool surname.
@krijesnica - thank you! I’m glad you like [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] and [name_m]Maximilian[/name_m]! Fascinated by [name_m]Marcellus[/name_m] nn [name_m]Mac[/name_m], too–never would have thought of that, but [name_m]Marcellus[/name_m] is so handsome and I like the idea of [name_m]Mac[/name_m] as his nn!
@columbiacharm - aww, thanks! McKay is fascinating… there was a McKay family in a radio drama I grew up with, which I guess makes it hard to envision a little McKay nn [name_m]Mac[/name_m], but it is fun in theory! I like the idea of [name_u]Micaiah[/name_u], but like the associations to [name_u]Micah[/name_u] more… there’s already a little [name_u]Micah[/name_u] in my church so not sure how I feel about having a [name_u]Micah[/name_u] nowadays. McKinley I’ve thought of but I don’t have close enough ties to the president or [name_u]Denali[/name_u], I don’t think, which are my strongest associations! [name_m]Macklin[/name_m] just reminds me of [name_m]Jeremy[/name_m] [name_m]Macklin[/name_m], but I can see the appeal…
@Rachelhaydenberk - ahh, thank you! [name_m]Macsen[/name_m] and [name_m]Cormac[/name_m] never really appealed; I actually grew up with a boy [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u], then met one in college, and didn’t really know a girl [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] until about 7-10 years ago, but she goes to my church so it does seem like it’d be odd to have a boy [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] now. Besides maybe MacAllister or [name_m]Maximilian[/name_m], [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] probably feels the most usable and attractive to me–I love [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] Bram!–but I guess we’ll see…
@18_25 - thank you! Macai is interesting - can you tell me more about him?
@findemaxa13 - my Jewish friend tells me it’d be weird even if I WAS Jewish, so it probably should be out. le sigh. I don’t know that I have any great associations to any of the [name_m]Mac[/name_m]- names, but [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u], MacAllister, and MacArthur are my favorites. Matthew/Malachi are nice ideas, but I can’t really see me with a [name_m]Malachi[/name_m] and know so many [name_m]Matthews[/name_m] that I can’t really see me loving it anymore… it seems to have lost most of it’s character.