Full Name For Teddie other than Theadora

Any suggestions my fellow Berries I don’t really like [name]Theadora[/name] but love the nickname [name]Teddie[/name].

Personally, I love [name]Theodora[/name], but if you want the nn [name]Teddie[/name]…


Hmm… [name]Theresa[/name]? Especially if you do a “D” middle name, [name]Theresa[/name] [name]Drew[/name] for example. [name]Teddie[/name] would work for [name]Theresa[/name] no matter what the middle name is though. But I can’t think of any more!

[name]One[/name] of the real housewives of [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] has a daughter name [name]Thadeus[/name] (teh-day-us) that goes by [name]Teddie[/name].

Also, this might be a stretch but [name]Ted[/name] is a nickname for [name]Ed[/name]/[name]Edward[/name], so you could possibly use [name]Teddie[/name] as a nickname for an [name]Edward[/name] feminization.



Hmm I really like [name]Theora[/name] and [name]Thandie[/name]

Me too! [name]Theora[/name] is my personal favorite, but [name]Thandie[/name] is GORGEOUS, as well. They’re a bit of a stretch for [name]Teddie[/name], but I think they would definitely work.

Well I tried to pick by meanings but I love them both too! haha