"Function name..." Error?

During the last day and a half a majority of the pages I visit within the NB forums fail to load, showing an error page instead. This error page always begins with “Function name must be a string on line 1566 in…” and the following lines tend to change a bit depending on the links destination. I was wondering if this is a known issue? If it is, is there anything I can do on my end (such as using a different browser) to make it a bit less chafing.

I’ve gotten it too. It’s preventing me from editing my signature.

That was actually the first place I noticed it, I wanted to edit my signature but was unable to.

I’ve been having the same issue for the past two days using the forums!

As a moderator I’ve been getting an error message when I try to delete spam as well.

It’s so aggravating, I’ve been having it for three days now.

It is quite aggravating. I’m honestly surprised it’s not been acknowledged.

I’m getting it too–any word on when it’ll be sorted out?

Same here, it’s so frustrating. I especially noticed it when trying to edit a post.

[name_f]Glad[/name_f] I’m not the only one experiencing this!! Hopefully they’ll sort it soon

I’m experiencing the same thing. [name_f]Glad[/name_f] I’m not the only one – I was beginning to think it may be my end somehow. I hope the issue is soon fixed.

same here, but it’s not common for me.

This has just started happening to me today. I’ve tried a few different things that usually sort small errors out but none of them have worked. I’ve only noticed it preventing me from posting in one forum, which is a bit odd.

Has there been updates on this? Any idea when this will be fixed? I’m having trouble looking at a few specific threads that I wanted to look at. As I’m looking around the site, I’m noticing it is happening on half the pages I try to see, update, or otherwise. I’m also finding this when I try to look at profiles (mine or others).

The issue seems to have resolved for me. I hope it has for you as well!

it has <3 <3 <3

Yay! Now I can change my signature.

Yes, it’s working now! I was finally able to take care of a couple of spam posts that the forum wouldn’t let me delete while it wasn’t working properly.

I couldn’t respond to this for this exact reason, apologies!

But I’m glad to hear the fixes have worked. Thanks for keeping us updated.