So I’ve been doing a lot of research lately into mine and my husband’s genealogy for fun, when I stumbled upon something that truly made me laugh for a good long while.
One of his ancestors from the early 1800’s married 3 times, and so had a TONNE of kids. Their names were:
Edred (yes there were 2)
So all this was funny enough, I mean the father clearly had a fascination with [name_m]Ed[/name_m] names. Until his third wife clearly was fed up with it all and named her next son:
[name_m]“George[/name_m] [name_m]Ed[/name_m]enough”
I laughed so hard.
(subsquent sons had no “[name_m]Ed[/name_m]” to be seen).
Anyway I thought this was so amusing I had to share. Has anyone else found any strange or funny names in their family trees?