Like I said in my past Future-ifying Joel post, I’m writing this story that’s set in the year 3033, in a town that’s located inside of a dome. The first people to be put in there have been there for 25 years now and they obviously now have kids as they’ve accepted that they’re never getting out. I had all of their names figured out and squared away, but I realized that next to all of them aren’t futuristic enough to be names that would be used in the 3000’s (or 2990’s).
And, my objective right now is one my main characters, [name_m]Joel[/name_m] [name_m]Amadeo[/name_m]. His middle is up in the air right now, but I’ll figure it out once I have his first name. I really feel like he’s a [name_m]Joel[/name_m], so I’m trying to find a way to “future-ify” it.
I’ve come up with a new list of options and I’d like to know your thoughts on them, and/or your favorite one.
Joelbeck (my personal favorite, but I’m worried it sounds weird as Joelbeck [name_m]Amadeo[/name_m]?)
I’ve decided if none of these end up working, he will (most likely) be a [name_m]Jobe[/name_m] (bc I think Job would get pronounced as the commonly used English word a lot) or a Joarke. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think either of those would work better than any of the “[name_m]Joel[/name_m]” names?